Random Thoughts

Oct 21, 2008 18:39

So the Shinkyu shinsa's are finally over. Yuji wants me back at the dojo and was asking if I could run practice when he's not around. But honestly, am I  qualified to run a dojo practice? One, I'm not a sensei, and second, I haven't practiced for over 6 months since I got the cyst removed from my arm.  I've been wanting to go back for a while now and excited that I finally get to practice now that the shinsa's are over, but running practice is a bit much for me. Especially since I'm just returning.  I'll have have to think about that decision.  Also, he's already discussing the team for next year's Southern California Tournament and wants me on it.   Haha,  I just want to practice, but he's throwing all these tasks at me. Either way, I'm going to start practicing again. I also need a new hakama and keiko gi for practice which I think I'm going to buy when I'm in Japan next month.

Also, I need to start focusing more on the things I want to accomplish rather than  worrying about not being able to complete them. I need to get a good solid demo up on the Kureha page for the promoters to hear. Some nice decent photos of the band. Not some cheap live photos taken with a digital camera. Lastly, gotta write 2 or 3 more songs before our gig in West Hollywood. I'm very excited, but feel a bit of pressure at the same time. But I will do this. Since taking lessons from Dan Palmer, I have a lot more confidence in writing music. This gig is gonna be fun. I can't wait.
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