Aug 19, 2007 00:38
stuck in a rut.
gave myself slight carbon monoxide poisoning while trying to cook my pizza in the new stove. am i surprised? can't say that i am. set off both fire alarms in the house and then woke up the rest of the building. i'm not sure i could ever live by myself, or be allowed to.
i miss him. the other him. i hate that he's not down the road or around the corner. i need his sage words of advice and level headedness. i miss the lifelong connection. i don't think he's ever going to come back, and i want to follow him.
andy said he's going to take me to the louisiana shrimp and petroleum festival. i suppose this only makes sense to louisianians. as long as there is shrimp, i'm not going to question it.
i need there to be more.