My Top Ten Angel Episodes

Jul 30, 2010 00:50

This is my meta for scifiland  Challenge 21; 10 things i love about you.

If you haven’t seen the Buffy the Vampire Slayer spin-off series Angel, then consider yourself pre-warned that there will be spoilers amongst the gushing that follows - read at your own peril!

In honour of my very favouritist episode, I am counting down from 10 to 1 with 1 being the best as it always will be. However, should I watch the show again and be asked to state my favourites it is highly likely that I will have forgotten epic episodes and completely change my mind on some of the episodes included in my top ten today!

#10 - Season 5, Episode 1 - Conviction

What I love about this episode is not so much the storyline for that particular episode, but more the fact that it is their first day working for Wolfram & Hart. For a group that believe themselves to be “Helping the Helpless” it makes me giggle that they decided to take the evil lawyer firm up on their offer to work for them - even though it does mean that they have access to a far wider range of helpful information! On another level, it is a fabulous episode as you get to giggle at Fred, as well as laugh at the irony of Angel’s PA, Eve, throwing him an apple.

#9 - Season 5, Episode 10 - Soul Purpose

The episode has to have a spot in my top ten because it is David Boreanaz’s directorial debut and it is fabulous! I love the dream sequences - mainly because my dreams are always just as weird and wacky if not about such serious things as saving the world (more like saving the shoes from the ocean I am somehow swimming in whilst at my desk at work lol!) - The idea that even though the hallucinations are brought on by external influences, the dreams are based on insecurities that anyone in Angels’ position would have is just brilliant. Throughout all the Angel/Spike interactions in Angel there has always been an underlying fight for supremacy and it makes sense to me that Spike being the vampire champion instead of Angel would be something that he would fret about subconsciously.

#8 - Season 5, Episode 20 - The Girl In Question

My main reason for loving this episode is how Angel and Spike are still fighting over Buffy - so much so that when they are in a real fight, one which they are on the same side, they manage to get punches in on each other as well! It’s hilarious that they do this, and yet finish the episode on a better bond than when it started. I also love that Andrew gets himself some gorgeous girls:

Buffy loves both of you, but she's gotta live her life. People change.

Andrew walks out from the bathroom, now wearing a tuxedo and a sophisticated hairstyle.

You guys should try it sometime.
(there's a knock on door; answers it to find two beautiful women on the other side)
Ah, Caprice, se bella come la notte.
(kisses the blonde on both cheeks)
E tu, Isabella...
(kisses the brunette on both cheeks)
superi perfino le stelle.
(turns to Angel and Spike)
(exits and closes the door)

You just gotta love the geek getting into his own!

#7 - Season 3, Episode 4 - Carpe Noctem

Seriously, what is not to love about this episode?! An old man, in a nursing home, decides he doesn’t want to be old, so manages to switch bodies with hot young hunks from the gym opposite trapping them in his old, heart attack riddled body whilst he goes out having fun until their body can’t cope with the foreign soul in it. So what’s going to happen? Of course! He manages to switch bodies with Angel! It’s just so hilarious watching Angel bounce around like he’s just been reborn!

#6 - Season 3, Episode 22 - Tomorrow

This episode I love not because of the final outcome, but because I love the whole Cordy / Angel storyline and this is its culmination. It does pain me slightly that the Groosalugg has to be hurt and leaves (although he does so so very gracefully) but it was never meant to be for them, and I always root so hard for Angel and Cordy to admit their love to each other and find a small bit of happiness. Not too much of course, can’t have that pesky soul being lost again!

#5 - Season 2, Episode 3 - First Impressions.

I have two words for you. Pink. Helmet. This is one of those moments where you laugh so hard you could pee (if your bladder’s as weak as mine lol) and it’s such a small moment of the episode as well! Angel is without his car and therefore Wesley picks him up on his motorbike and offers him a pink helmet to wear - of course there is argument before it is worn but seriously, the humour in this small moment is just fantastic!

#4 - Season 1, Episode 3 - In The Dark

Oz. It is that simple. I love this episode because I love Oz. He is the best werewolf in the entire world and that opinion of mine wasn’t even shaken by the arrival of the Twilight Saga and Jacob - in fact, I may even ask my friend to do me a Team Oz t-shirt with a picture of him on it just to remind the world of the wonder that they are forgetting! Anyway, getting back on track lol! The Oz love is strong in this episode but it also features Spike for the first time and he is also a wonder to behold. So, really, my love for this episode is due to the men that I adore and I will freely admit it!

#3 - Season 2, Episode 21 - Through The Looking Glass

I love this episode. It’s Pylea. It’s Fred. It’s Angel enjoying time out in the sun. But most of all it’s The Dance Of Joy! I still, to this day, dance The Dance of Joy whenever anything happy happens and it is probably the most quoted Angel quote of mine! The other awesome thing about it is that Joss Whedon spent so many production meetings showing them what he was on about by doing The Dance of Joy that IT IS ACTUALLY HIM IN THE EPISODE!!! He is Numfar!!

#2 - Season 1, Episode 9 - Hero

Doyle is love in this episode. I love this episode because in the beginning of season 1 I really do want Doyle and Cordy to get together and I just love that he admits his demon side to her, admits his love for her, kisses her, and then sacrifices himself for the group of half-human half-lister demons. It’s so sweet, yet so sad and made so much worse by the fact that Glenn Quinn sadly passed away whilst still so young.

#1 - Season 5, Episode 14 - Smile Time

There is absolutely no way on this planet that this number 1 episode I love from Angel will ever be knocked off its spot. I may re-watch the show again and again and all the other spots my shift around or change completely but the puppet episode will forever be the best episode of Angel EVER!!! Even if they un-cancelled the show (please, please, please!) and had awesome storylines and jokes and humour they would not ever be able to top this episode! So much about it is great the main thing being Angel as a PUPPET!! And the scene where he attacks Spike is just hysterical! Seriously, what’s not to love about it?!

scifiland, angel

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