Sep 06, 2012 12:06
So, today is supposed to be a day of writing, but so far I haven't done anything. Well, I have, but not actual writing lol
On Monday my OH was cooking a roast dinner. Except that after an hour and a half of the pork being in the oven, the oven was still cold. Turns out that the powercut we had on Sunday which we thought was because we'd plugged the laptop into the TV, was actually the heating element in our oven failing. OH immediately starts going on about how we'll have to use our savings and buy a new oven. Now, I don't like spending money. Wait. That's not right. I don't like spending money on things that I'm not prepared to buy - if we were talking about getting a newer more 'all singing all dancing' type of oven and specifically saving for it, I'd be ok (such as the new 'all singing all dancing' washing machine I technically got for my birthday lol) however, this is an unasked for expense and when searching the shopping sites online will be at least £220.00. So I searched to see if anyone had had this issue and what they'd been told to do to fix it. Luckily someone else had asked (unfortunately for them, there's had blown the day before Christmas Eve. Not sure if they managed to fix it but hope they did!) And someone had answered, which is how I know it's the element. Further searches showed that to buy a new element would be £22.00 a far better expenditure! And the site I was looking at has a handy how to do it video which makes it look nice and easy!!
So, today I am writing, doing the washing and cleaning the oven!!! Apparently OH won't try to fix it with all the grease on it, but also won't try to clean it himself. I'd moan, but he knows I'm a pushover. Plus, I'll probably fix it myself. As you can probably gather from his immediate statement of having to buy a new one, he isn't one for DIY and trying to fix things before giving up on them!!
So the washing machine is on, the oven cleaner is sprayed all over the oven and the SSHG document is up on word.
I Am Woman. I Can Do This!!!
The idea is to try and get this bad boy finished today so that I can spend the next three weeks tinkering with it. Lets hope I'm not biting off more than I can chew!!
sshg exchange,