sore throat? OHHHH POOR BABY...just go gargle some of my foot up your ass....bitch face

May 16, 2005 19:05

i hate my family.

being home is making me crazy.

my mom wanted another we bought a puppy. Taking care of it got pawned off on me now that i'm home from school. I have to watch it for the next 4 weeks. It never shuts up. Always crying and peeing everywhere. I havn't had a break since i got home from school. THANKS MOM! i think i made her feel bad cause I was like "who's idea was this..and when are you done with teaching for the year?" Oh well. A simple "stan, do you mind spending a month of your summer watching over a dog?" would of been nice.

god i want to go back to akron. living on my own rocked compaired to this. got a townhouse next year...woot!

i'm working at The Bica a lot this that's cool. Don't have to deal with demond dog. except most of wednesday and all of thursday. Ugh...fuck me. Speaking of...amber and lauren are awesome to go to target with..haha..crazy lettered boxes. Amber spelled out "fuck me" with them on the self and took a picture. so funny. goooooood time.

this weather blows

being home blows

i miss my friends from a-KRYON

yes..with a y

the falloutboy CD is cool


i hate people...

i wanna go live in a hole and shoot birds with a BB Gun. I'll be fun. I'm be 'the weird guy that eats birds". I wouldn't actually eat them. I'd stuff them. Then sell them...for more BB's...

Seacrest.....OUT *hand motion that amber knows*
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