Title: Since Day One Pairing: KyuMin Genre: Romance, Slight!Horror Rating: NC-17 Summary: I've already had my eyes on you since day one. Warning: Genderswitch, smut
"Wait, am I gonna get pregnant with a zombie baby?"
BWAHAHAHAHAHA. That part's funny, and the other parts were.. ugh.. well, coz of zombies, ugh.. It's yucky. :)) But the lovemaking part was cute though, coz at least they're able to control (not really, can't find the word to say) themselves. Like when they're taking their clothes off, when Kyu was about to go on but Sungmin stopped him because she's afraid that Kyu might break. XD Unique. This story's so unique.
BWAHAHAHAHAHA. That part's funny, and the other parts were.. ugh.. well, coz of zombies, ugh.. It's yucky. :)) But the lovemaking part was cute though, coz at least they're able to control (not really, can't find the word to say) themselves. Like when they're taking their clothes off, when Kyu was about to go on but Sungmin stopped him because she's afraid that Kyu might break. XD Unique. This story's so unique.
Yuuuuup. Kyuhyun was just too fragile for Sungmin, even though he can grow his body parts back. :3 :))
Thank yooooou. :D
Thank you for reading. ♥
But this story is really unique. ^^
Thank you so much. :') :D
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