August 14th is often not the best day for me. It's the birthday of my friend Josh. He killed himself when I was 17. He was my first young love. We weren't going out at the time, though. He broke up with me, actually, a few years earlier. But we were good friends. Hm. I didn't mean to talk about this.
Today wasn't an awful day. I made some bread. It's great.
I'm feeling a little... listless right now.
But the reason we're all here right now is for my aquarium photos! This is all
thirdwizard's fault. He posted great photos from a far better aquarium. And since I never got around to posting these photos (from uhm, over a year ago) I thought it was about time.
Though I suppose I shouldn't call you bitches. OMG it's not WORK SAFE! O_O
This is a crab. (I LOVE crab. They're SO delicious!) You can't tell, but this crab here was a bit of a jerk. Sort of like Stampy, from the Simpsons, only not an elephant.
And here's some proof. These guys were fighting. Sort of. The jerk crab was provoking and the other was defending or ignoring.
I think these might be moonfish. You know, the fish that sound like Cliff Claven in Finding Nemo.
So what do you call these--skates? or...
(Once, when I was younger, I volunteered at this haunted house thing. My friends worked on the Aliens bit. They said I looked like Newt, so I got to play Newt. This consisted of jumping up and screaming and running away, only to jump up and scream and run again. This got tiring, and my voice would hurt. So then I took a face hugger and put it on my face and laid on the ground twitching like I was having a seizure. The fake seizures scared the crap out of people. True story. Anyway, the face huggers were sort of vaginal on the bottom. And these rays are too, IMHO.)
I called this file "tiger shark", but I dont think that's what it is. It's sort of tigerific, but, well why don't YOU tell me what it is?
Urchin? I think maybe. It's pointy. I went tidepooling once and there were urchins. I barely remember it.
This is a starfish! I found one once on a beach somewhere. It was sort of cool. But also a little gross. (I'm not so "at one" with nature.)
This is me playing with shutter speed on my camera. I really like the way long exposures look with water. This wasn't too long, but it's still pretty neat. And there are some bonus starfish in here for you.
And I've saved the best for last. Also, it's bigger too.
And for fun, I think I'll try to include a little movie I took. I added a song to it. Hmm. That's actually probably not legal. o_O I better get rid of this song first.
---------------- Several hours pass ---------------
I uh, got sidetracked. The music was just so perfect I had to try to find out if I could use it. Now I've ended up at Moby's message boards reading a thread about dirty emoticons. o_O
And then a dirty thread... I mean. o_O
Ok, enough. No video tonight.
So that's from our trip to the aquarium with Rob's family when they were out visiting to see him graduate. Guess it was time for me to get around to resizing. ~_^
(A small note about the music. It has taken me about 2 hours to write this, I think. What with all the resizing and stuff. It was accompanied by a musical odyssey. Starting with Cool on Your Island by Tori Amos, wandering through some of her B-sides. A quick visit to Bjork and Portishead. An extended stay with Moby. And some finishing notes from Underworld. It started off a little somber, a little down, but it has ended well. ^_^)