Jan 14, 2009 18:17
ive started a business.....and its the most fucking stressful thing i think ive ever done. am i trying to have a heart attack early? maybe.
its weird....tommy and i both worked in a sign shop and both hated it. ive also worked for someone out of their house who made signs....and he never paid me. so im kinda jaded on the sign business....and what did i start...A FUCKING SIGN BUSINESS. SMARTEST MOVE EVER!
why? why would i do something so crazy after ive been through all this shit before? because of my dad. pretty much there is the reason. my dad is a real estate broker. they buy "sign riders' which is a piece of plywood, painted white, with black letters on it. FOR $20 A PIECE. now when you actually break it all down...these things cost maybe 1-3 dollars a pop. people order them by the dozens, you need at least 2 for one side. once your done with the side/building is sold they usually throw them away. i now make them for $15 a piece, $12 if you order 12 or more. i have won. also making stickers and stuff on the side which will hopefully turn out awesome. so far ive made up a price structure and i gotta say....i kick everyones ass at that too while still making a good profit.
back on the stress thing. so the basic structure so far is....buy probably the 2nd most expensive thing in my life besides my car (the vinyl plotter), find the plywood, find a painter, find vinyl, buy everything and go broke doing so. we have found the plywood, cut it, and i have found a painter luckily. its a guy in my car club that has his own shop. he's cutting me an awesome deal and i actually just picked up boards from him today.* now its just a matter of finding clients. i really really really really hate selling myself.
*but all the boards stuck together, and now he has to fix them all....which is now stressing me out even more, luckily he is doing that for free. thank god. so now i have to go back there tomorrow which isnt a huge deal.
besides business stuff.....ive been on a diet for a long ass time now. i took a break during holiday area but im back cracking at it. ive lost about 19lbs now. i definitely know im skinnier and feel way better. shit is rough. ive been trying to go to the gym at least 4 days a week. id like to lose 20 more lbs by my birthday and get back to my drivers license weight...but i really dont see that happening. maybe. hopefully.
but at the end of the day.....once things are all smoothed out, i know ill like it. i already do. as stressful as it is, i like the fact im my own boss, and its teaching me to be a fucking adult. i already like the fact i can wake up in the morning and pretty much make anything i want to put on places. expect chaos, expect crazy stickers, expect a new sticker on my car probably ever fucking week. its fun. its also nice to see how excited people get when i give them their stickers or surprise them with stuff. a lady i work with flipped out because i made her something for her car. it was pretty nice.
so yeah go to octo-bot.com and order shit from me. im freaking out until things calm down with this business crap. pretty much the painter is the last thing freaking me out now and that will be ok soon.
p.s....i ship too. so if anyone lives out of state, has out of state friends, etc....yeah ill ship your stuff for a few extra bucks.