HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! haha. im fucking old.
so my birthday was pretty good. actually i didnt do shit today since i was so terribly hungover. went out last night to the stray cat and drank way way too much. i dont even remember leaving the bar but when i woke up this morning i was on jeremi's couch and feeling like crap.
my parents usually just give me money but actually got me some stuff this year. just a couple shirts and a best buy gift certificate. my sister got me a best buy certificate too so i can buy guitar hero 360 when it comes out in a couple of weeks.
also this is coming in the mail for me:
http://amazon.com/o/ASIN/B000G3FNVM/ref=s9_asin_image_1/105-9995905-8584402?%5Fencoding=UTF8&pf%5Frd%5Ft=101&pf%5Frd%5Fm=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf%5Frd%5Fp=279667201&pf%5Frd%5Fs=center-1&pf%5Frd%5Fr=1D4AKV2FDFYPR76DE432&pf%5Frd%5Fi=507846 (too lazy to copy the picture)
usb turntable. ive wanted a turntable for A LONG time now so i can start up a good vinyl collection and this is even better since i can import stuff into my computer. also has an RCA jack so i can hook it up to my stereo. sweet!
also the NOPI car show was this weekend, my car took 2nd place best street ford/mercury/mazda!!!!!!!!!! more on that later + lots of pictures.