Hmmm this is interesting and hard at the same time. How can you EVER answer that question? Whew. Straight up, to me laziness is a way of expressing oneself by not doing anything. HA HA HA. Weird isn't it? It's always with you all your life but you can't even define it out loud the 'best' way you know how lol. Life's like that I guess. Sometimes when you're all up to it, something will come out of the blue and delay the process. Ahhhh yea! Now THAT's laziness. Wow!! Unbelievable but that's the best answer right there!!!
Now, lemme check what the web says about it. I'll start with the word LAZY since laziness come from that hehe. Now lemme see here.
Lazy is averse or disinclined to work, activity, or exertion; indolent, causing idleness or indolence, slow-moving; sluggish, slothful. Yup, all that and more. So I did a bit more checkout on this word and even found a HISTORY for it. You better believe it lol!!! A history and all. Here is what it says on the history and I quote:
" 1540s, laysy , of unknown origin. Replaced native slack, slothful , and idle as the main word expressing the notion of "averse to work." In 19c. thought to be from
lay (v.) as tipsy from tip . Skeat is responsible for the prevailing modern view that it probably comes from Low Ger., cf. M.L.G. laisch "weak, feeble, tired," modern Low Ger. läösig , early modern Du. leuzig , all of which may go back to the PIE root *(s)leg- "slack." According to Weekley, the -z- sound disqualifies a connection with Fr. lassé "tired" or Ger. lassig "lazy, weary, tired." A supposed dialectal meaning "naught, bad," if it is the original sense, may tie the word to O.N. lasenn "dilapidated," lasmøyrr "decrepit, fragile," root of Icelandic las-furða "ailing," las-leiki "ailment." Lazybones is first attested 1590s. Lazy Susan is from 1917. "
Isn't that just incredible? I thought so. I didn't even know it has lots of facts to it. Considering what the word means, I'm getting 'unlazy' now that the ball's rolling. LMAO. Now I'm like going into research on a word that is suppose to stop me of going further and further with the topic or even post anything for that matter.
Life's VERY interesting sometimes. The moment you lost hope, something clicked and suddenly you're overwhelmed by a gush of mysterious energy you never saw coming. :) Sometimes, that gush of energy comes from a simple memory or an email from someone in your heart.
So, enjoy laziness when it comes, because it'll leave you faster hehe. Just a thought to share.
So guys, what does 'laziness' mean to you? Answer if you dare. Or are you too LAZY to even post? ROFL.