Jan 02, 2006 00:50
figured it was time to update. hung out w/ hope thursday and played lots of pool. hope spent the night and we just cut up all day friday. friday evening, went riding around w/ Hope and Angel and had tons of fun. ended up stayin up most of the night trying to fix Angel's mp3 player, which turned out to be messed up. lol.
went to Tony B's last night for new years. played spoons .............watched pretty sparklers........ and hung out w/ awesome friends. Nick started picking on me and Pate, chased him off, lol. THANX Pate, lol. played a game called guesstures, or somethin like that, and it was so funny watching everyone act crazy. instead of making a new year's resolution, which i don't do, i made a new year's wish when the peach dropped. i wished and prayed for something that would be amazing. it's something i have been praying about for a lil while now.
got back from the new year's party at TB's and ended up talkin to my friend until 3am. and then Angel and i spent a long time just talkin about stupid stuff, as usual. finally got to sleep after 3am and got up round 7am to get ready for church, and so i could wake angel up in time. been really sleepy today. a lot happened w/ taking back Angel's defective mp3 player this afternoon. long story, not gonna get into it. well, i really need to get some sleep, so i'm out.