Woke up this morning with the headache from hell. Not to mention not getting enough sleep before the shrew was up and knocking on my door. At 7 a.m. woman let me roll over and get another 15 extra minutes of sleep before you start harping at me about something. Harping and nagging...nagging and harping...I swear you women don't give a man a moment's peace.
Anyway...so I was an ass lastnight. Surprise? Not. I said some things to Temari in this blasted journal that I shouldn't have. I was pissed, had a bad day okay? Fuck man....*grumbles some more* This isn't easy damn it. Men shouldn't....*pauses*...ah fuck can I just get to my point...I'm sorry okay? Sorry I said those things, bringing up dirt that wasn't my place to.
There. Happy.
Chouji don't you dare bring up lastnight to me today. My head hurts from thinking too much about it. Out of all possible outcomes of anything...I'm inevitably putting myself on the line no matter what I do.
konohashadowman: what the fuck man?
butterflynin: What the fuck yourself.
butterflynin: What was that shit about?
butterflynin: I was teasing, asshole.
butterflynin: Fucking asshat. Don't you ever treat Ino like some kind of---of fuck toy.
konohashadowman: why the hell do you feel the need to get into something that didn't involve you in the first place
konohashadowman: I never said Ino was a fuck toy
konohashadowman: I'm pissed alright
butterflynin: And wtf I still have Ino's font
butterflynin: >_<
konohashadowman: get rid of the fucking pink will you
konohashadowman: it hurts my eyes
butterflynin: Better.
konohashadowman: thank you
butterflynin: She must have it as default
konohashadowman: whatever
konohashadowman: shit man....
butterflynin: I'm stealing her computer while she sleeps...guess she's been feeling like shit.
butterflynin: Thanks to you, so do I, now
konohashadowman: oh as if you guys didnt make me feel like the ass of the nation
butterflynin: you brought it on yourself
butterflynin: that argument was childish
butterflynin: ragging on Temari doesn't enforce your feelings of love
konohashadowman: fuck love
konohashadowman: fuck it to hell
butterflynin: So. You prefer fucks in the backseat over a relationship.
butterflynin: Way to go the easy route.
butterflynin: Are you even listening to yourself, Shikamaru?
konohashadowman: Why?
konohashadowman: Relationships only bring me a fucking mess....
butterflynin: You sound like a two year old.
butterflynin: Stiffen your fucking upper lip and grow a backbone
butterflynin: She left you because you were being mush
butterflynin: If you want to get her back, this isn't the way to do it
konohashadowman: she doesn't want me back damn it
konohashadowman: don't you get that?
butterflynin: Shikamaru, if there's one thing I'm decent at, it's reading people.
butterflynin: Temari's harder than most, but I still can tell. I can tell from both of you...just the way you two move...
butterflynin: Just stop taking it like a bitch.
butterflynin: Get up and apologize to her, you idiot.
konohashadowman: fuck.....
konohashadowman: *grumbles*
konohashadowman: who says I want her back?
butterflynin: HAHAHA
butterflynin: ARE YOU SHITTING ME?
konohashadowman: What? Don't laugh at me
butterflynin: You really are blind.
butterflynin: That, or just plain stupid.
konohashadowman: She annoys the shit out of me....
butterflynin: And you can't live without her.
konohashadowman: Yes I can
konohashadowman: *huffs*
butterflynin: Call me fat, but don't call me dumb.
butterflynin: I know you.
konohashadowman: Know me then....
konohashadowman: What does my head say? Since you seem to live in it at the moment.
konohashadowman: You've already beaten it down...
butterflynin: And I know this asshat that's talking to me isn't my best friend.
butterflynin: This pathetic loser needs his overweight and emotional bitch of a friend to tell him what he already knows.
konohashadowman: what is that?
butterflynin: You want her back. It's killing you. And you're taking it out on me because I roll over like a good bitch.
konohashadowman: It's not killing me....
konohashadowman: I'm eating, sleeping, doing work, and not drinking....
butterflynin: You're snapping at me. At me. You're picking fights with anyone who tries to so much as tell you the time.
butterflynin: Wtf, man. Wtf.
konohashadowman: she just....she....shit....
konohashadowman: Why does she get under my skin so much....
konohashadowman: fucking why...?
butterflynin: I know
butterflynin: I know what you mean
butterflynin: I don't think I could go back to just being friends with Ino
konohashadowman: I should be able to....
konohashadowman: shouldn't I?
butterflynin: Not when you're bitching her out all the time
butterflynin: Srlsy.
butterflynin: I barely want to be your friend when you're like this.
butterflynin: And we had diaper changes together.
konohashadowman: I don't bitch her out all the time...
konohashadowman: She hit a fucking nerve....
butterflynin: It's a pattern, though.
butterflynin: You either fuck or you fight.
butterflynin: It makes me sick to watch.
konohashadowman: I don't fuck....
butterflynin: And what was the thing in the car, then?
konohashadowman: Me getting my ass drunk and her doing the same.
butterflynin: Yeah. Good job with that.
butterflynin: Biiiiiig fucking gold star.
konohashadowman: Oh shit get over it. It was one night. I can't even remember it....
konohashadowman: damn.
butterflynin: Me get over it? You get over it. I don't have the problem. I'm not limping around like a wounded mutt.
konohashadowman: I did get over it. So did she. The moment we sobered up. It obviously meant.....nothing...shit man oh fuck it....it was a fuck....*grumbles*
butterflynin: Um. Yeah.
butterflynin: Good going, slick.
butterflynin: I hate to sound callous, but it was stupid.
butterflynin: And you need to get over yourself and apologize
butterflynin: You think just pretending it was a 'lapse of better judgement' will make it better
butterflynin: Chouichi's conception was a lapse of better judgement. My parents going 'ahaha, oops' didn't make my life any better, now, did it?
konohashadowman: You try telling my hormones that next time I can't think straight from having three glasses of alcohol then.
butterflynin: Yeah. I'll hover over your shoulder like the good nanny I am.
butterflynin: Fuck, Shika, stop treating me like I'm your babysitter.
konohashadowman: then leave it alone....
butterflynin: I'm your friend. You push me away, and then you blame me for leaving.
butterflynin: Can't do that, can I?
konohashadowman: Well then shit what the hell do I do after I supposivly appolgize. She'll either A agree, B laugh in my face, or C push me out. Neither of those outcomes will lead her back to me in the sense that I guess the back of my mind won't let me be at peace with. Shit....I wanther...
konohashadowman: Heck if she probably isn't with some other guy at the moment and I can't deal with that. Drunk yes, sober...no.
konohashadowman: I'd like things back before, but that can't happen. I'm not the same anymore and neither is she. Maybe I should just leave her alone.....solve all her problems if I did.
butterflynin: Give up?
butterflynin: Sure. Go ahead. Let her go.
konohashadowman: Stop doing that to me....
butterflynin: You can do better.
butterflynin: O rly?
konohashadowman: So just string my heart out there on a thin line...let it sit as I try to get her back. Let her break it again. Risk everything....is that what your saying?
butterflynin: Is it?
konohashadowman: That's the only other option I have. The moment I appologize
konohashadowman: Is the moment I admit to myself that this isn't a phase anymore.
konohashadowman: That I can't let her go and she is all I want....
butterflynin: Good boy.
butterflynin: Took you long enough.
butterflynin: Who would've known reverse psychology would work on you?
konohashadowman: shut up
konohashadowman: *sighs*
konohashadowman: What if with that option she takes the other route....and inevitably I don't get her back?
butterflynin: Then you pick yourself up and start over.
butterflynin: But I don't think that's going to be the case
butterflynin: I've got a gut feeling she's just as miserable as you
butterflynin: and you know I have a lot of gut to feel.
konohashadowman: and how can that gut of yours sense that about her? Since she's so hard to read.....
konohashadowman: She doesn't say or do anything to show me otherwise...
butterflynin: ^_^
butterflynin: Trust me, buddy
konohashadowman: She only pushes me away.....
konohashadowman: What do you see?
konohashadowman: Just out of curiosity...
butterflynin: Haa, you want to hear about life from the fat boy's perspective?
konohashadowman: go ahead...
konohashadowman: you've probably been waiting for a time to shove this down my throat anyway...
butterflynin: Does it really seem like I shove everything down peoples' throats? >_<
konohashadowman: you know what I mean.....
butterflynin: As far as I see it, Temari likes you, but she doesn't know what to do with you. You're totally different from anything she's seen before
butterflynin: And she kind of liked that.
butterflynin: But when you stopped being different---being you---she couldn't deal
butterflynin: none of us could
konohashadowman: So what's it to you now?
butterflynin: Is it so wrong that I want you to be happy?
konohashadowman: *sighs*
konohashadowman: I'm not happy without her...
butterflynin: You don't need to tell me.
konohashadowman: Look...
konohashadowman: I'm sorry alright... I just....
konohashadowman: I need to get away for a while.
butterflynin: Yeah, I know.
butterflynin: I worry about you sometimes, ass.
konohashadowman: no need to worry, I just need to get my frustrations out sometimes
butterflynin: *coughhandjobcough*
konohashadowman: shut the fuck up....
butterflynin: *angelic smile*
butterflynin: dude, I'm spending too much time with Ino
butterflynin: Her deviousness is rubbing off like whoa
konohashadowman: Well sorry if I can't have the enjoyable sex drive that you two have right now....
konohashadowman: Though....sometimes...
konohashadowman: I miss just being with her more....
butterflynin: Sometimes what?
butterflynin: I understand
konohashadowman: Once....just once I'd like to hold her again and not have her push me away. For her to want to be in my arms instead of thinking it's just weird.
butterflynin: Don't make me tear up, man. It won't be pretty.
konohashadowman: Like hell that made you cry....
konohashadowman: please....I'm not that poetic
butterflynin: Shika, you think I don't get it? That sometimes I get scared I'm going to lose her? I mean...I'm fat and obnoxious. I know better than to think I'm going to be 'the one' for Ino. Every time I hold her, I'm terrified it's going to be the last time.
konohashadowman: But you still have her to hold...
konohashadowman: I don't have anything.....
konohashadowman: Ino knows what she has, she won't let you go so easily buddy...
konohashadowman: Me I must be downright amazing to get rid of so fast....
butterflynin: Shika.
butterflynin: Seriously.
butterflynin: Stop it.
konohashadowman: Feh
butterflynin: I'm gonna go get something to drink. I feel a stomachache coming on. Too much worry's bad for the Chou, I guess.
konohashadowman: I have the headache....I suppose I should find some happy white pills or I'll sure as hell be feeling it tomorrow....
butterflynin: We're so gimp.
konohashadowman: what are you talking about, those pills are a god right now....
konohashadowman: I'm just tired of these lousy ass headaches
butterflynin: Know of anything that cures stomach cramps?
konohashadowman: Other than tea or the shrew's deer concoxion...no.
butterflynin: I need to stop packing on blubber or Ino's really going to leave me. Eeeesh.
konohashadowman: night buddy
butterflynin: night. I'm going to go get me a midnight snack
butterflynin: not a hypocrite, stfu.
konohashadowman: no hanging this over my head tomorrow....I have to do this...in my own time....
konohashadowman: I'll talk to you later
butterflynin: no problem
butterflynin: I'm just glad that you got your head out of your ass
butterflynin: and you're being a little more logical
konohashadowman: It wasn't up my ass....it was just temporarily lodged witht he black clouds
konohashadowman: fuck whatever you ass...*smiles slightly*
butterflynin: Eh, fuck you, too
konohashadowman: bye
butterflynin: bye