Гидросамолётного псто...

Feb 16, 2024 09:00

Не только лишь все помнят историю этого лiтака с обидным прозвищем "Еловый гусь".

Оно взлетело и даже летело, но...
Эра гидрогигантов клонилась к закату, аэродинамика и материалы на месте не стояли, логистика у берега вызывала массу вопросов и далее по списку. Не шмогла, вернее - шмагла, но не нужно. А ведь история по кругу, правильно?

Aurora Flight Sciences, a Boeing company, is progressing through Phase 1B of the Liberty Lifter program, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) program that aims to design, build, float, and fly an affordable X-plane that demonstrates revolutionary heavy-air-lift capability from the sea.

To meet this revolutionary capability, the vehicle will operate efficiently in ground effect at high sea states and demonstrate affordability using low-cost manufacturing and unique design features.

The end goal of Phase1B is preliminary design, and a major focus during the phase is testing for risk reduction. ReconCraft, an Oregon-based shipyard, is an Aurora team member providing expertise in maritime manufacturing methods.

The company will build full-scale structural test articles, including a portion of the fuselage. The build and testing of structures reduces risk and ensures quality, as the team works with novel materials and unique requirements.

The Aurora team also tested a scale model of the hull in the tow tank at Virginia Tech, which offers a unique capability to study the slamming of craft during landing. Upcoming testing includes flying sensors and software for wave detection and prediction, which feeds the X-plane’s advanced control system for safely flying in ground effect over high sea states.

Как я понимаю, они хотят эдакий БДК с крылами соорудить? Даже интересно, чем закончится...

Авиация, aircrafts

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