1. J-dream
Title: J-dream, Jドリーム
Status: 14 vol (complete)
Author: Natsuko Heiuchi
Genre: shounen, sport
Publisher: Kodansha
Publish year: 1993
Release: no
License: no
Akaboshi Taka is a 16-year-old boy who loves to play soccer. After being abandoned by his father, he tries to find a job to support himself. His dream is to become a professional soccer player and he goes to every professional club in Japan to try his luck.
Vol 1 - 14 cn 2. J-dream Hishouhen
Title: J-dream hishouhen, Jドリーム飛翔編
Status: 10 vol (complete)
Author: Natsuko Heiuchi
Genre: shounen, sport
Publisher: Kodansha
Publish year: 1996
Release: vol 5 chap 38
Release group: AnakAyam-Scan
License: no
Translate from BabelFish:
Is originally the Japanese country votes for the talent player red star hawk, after leaving national sports team period of time, joins the youth army once more for the world blue cup diligently, realized fills the sincere teammate to one class to the soccer. Do they facing various countries' powerful enemy, how overcome difficultly obtain the world blue cup? ......
Vol 1 - 10 cn, vol 1-5 chap 38 eng NEW 21/12/10
3. J-Dream Kanzen Nenshouhen
Title: J-Dream Kanzen Nenshouhen, Jドリーム完全燃焼編
Status: 8 vol (complete)
Author: Natsuko Heiuchi
Genre: shounen, sport
Publisher: Kodansha
Publish year: 1998
Release: no
License: no
For four years, the challenging soccer profession lets the hawk unceasing growth, but the team also unceasing defeat opponent, advances to road of the victory. The plot enters World Cup Asia to group the preliminary contest, what the hawk must face has the strength the powerful enemy! Advances to the international scene the first station!
Vol 1 - 8 cn