Dec 11, 2008 03:06
Been a while since I touched this thing. Guess I've been too busy on facebook. Anywho, the latest news:
-I'm going to Rome, and while I'd rather not do it alone, this will certainly be a selfish trip for me. I love to travel, but I don't do it often enough. I want to see and study things up close and personal, I want to be able to visit ancient monuments and feel the history.
-Everyone around me seems to feel like going back to college would be good for me, but I'm not feeling it anymore.
-I've been on a diet. I've primarily been eating sandwiches, soups, paninis, and stir-fry stuff (lots of veggies w/ some chicken). Fast food is all but gone. Sugar and chocolate I keep to a bare minimum. No more soda, and in it's place, water, OJ, milk, and sometimes lemonade or apple cider. I feel healthier and I've dropped a few pounds since starting (I'm a tad worried about the high sodium content of the stuff I've been eating, but I'm taking steps to rectify that). If I can manage a somewhat regular workout schedule, then I dare say I'll be hotness by spring.
-I'm getting a PS3 for Christmas! Well, it's a joint gift for me and Jeff. I'm thinking I'm gonna play through Mirror's Edge and some Smackdown vs Raw, but y'know, video games aren't a big thing for me anymore. I'll definitely pick up the next Final Fantasy whenever the hell it decides to grace us with its presence, but aside from that I'm just not wild about anything coming out.
-Christmas party is coming up next week, and I'm super excited. I love this time of year, I love giving, and Ilove spending quality time with my friends. It's at Heather's house this year, and if she'll let me I wanna do some homestyle cooking. Gotta flex those culinary muscles every now and then.
-In addition to a PS3, Dad seems to be making up for lost time by getting me a laptop, too. I've wanted one forever, but never had a pressing need for one. It seems more than generous, considering that one Christmas eight years ago saw my "big stash" items come to socks, a calendar, and a mini chessboard. So a game system AND a laptop, PLUS the promise of a new car by March has me a little stunned.
-Oh yeah, I'm getting a new car in a few months. I might have to talk my Dad out of that one if the current car is still working okay by then. Why get a new one and pay a shitload of money when the old one works just as well?