Feb 26, 2010 19:10
Hi, I'm still alive, but I've mostly sold-out and switched to facebook for the time being; It's been a while since I had anything to relate that deserved more then one or two lines. I've become nocturnal recently too. It's not so hard to sleep during the day, when you've been working all night, but for some reason, I seem to have much more vivid dreams. I don't remember very much about them except for bright, brilliant colors. Today I dreamed that I was at some kind of party, where everyone had brought something they'd made as gifts for other people there. They where mostly small things, except that Erika had made these beautiful, elaborate dresses for everyone, and everyone was like “Holy Crap!!!”. My dress was Blue and Gold, and it was pretty much the most beautiful piece of clothing I'd ever worn, to the point that, even though I realize it was just a dream, I feel like I should thank Erika for making it. So, um, Thanks!