This was another busy weekend. Went to Ben’s on Friday, and then to Arline’s on Saturday. It was her birthday, so Maggie, Maria, D, and many other of her friends where there. First, Arline’s mother made us a delicious dinner. We went to
a burlesque show that was really funny, and probably about as classy as these things can possibly get. (There was ballet…after a fashion…well, she was on point, so it counts.) Then we went dancing
here. Except for one or two girls who had their boyfriends with them, we all did the dance in a circle around a pile of our bags and shoes thing. Of course, you always get one or two of those remora type of guys*, but otherwise it’s a good time. After trekking back up to Washington Heights in the bitter cold, Maggie, Maria, and I all stayed at Arline’s, where we slept most heroically! Then, on Sunday, I capped off the weekend by joining Angel and Maurice for pizza and anime.
*The ones who latch onto a group of females and won’t be detached without recourse to a crowbar. By comparison, the drug dealer was the model of civility, on his way after a simple “no thank you”.