Suicide Squad

Aug 07, 2016 10:59

   I saw the film Thursday night, and well, I was just kinda "meh" about it. Now, I don't think it was quite the mess that the critics touted it to be, but it definitely wasn't outstanding. Margot Robbie, Viola Davis, and Will Smith were beyond amazing in their respective roles, but everyone else just fell kinda flat. The last hour was probably the best. As for the Joker, I sincerely hope that Jared Leto is on a sabbatical to Antartica or something and is unable to film the sequel bc he was just awful, nails on chalkboard awful.

Maybe I'm biased and spoiled, as a Marvel fan. Most of their films follow a set pattern, with resolution at the end. Also, Civil War was rich in character development and introduction. SS, not so much. Some article say that Suicide Squad was shortchanged by Batman vs Superman. IDK, as I haven't seen that film and really have no desire to. I will watch Wonder Woman and will have to decide about the Justice League project.  Guess my loyalties to the MCU run a little too deep. 'sigh'
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