(no subject)

Feb 21, 2006 19:56

Just thought I'd sent out an update on what's going on here at DLI. I graduate in 5 weeks, so we're taking tests every week. I've already taken 3 so far (90s on 2, not sure about the other).

In 3 weeks I take the OPI (Oral Proficiency Interview), which is pretty much the most important test I'll take here. It's basically me and 2 teachers speaking for 30-40 minutes. Based on that "interview," they judge my speaking ability, which determines a) whether or not I graduate, b) whether or not I can do my job, and c) how much bonus pay I'm eligible for. Obviously there's quite a bit of stressing out going on regarding this test. Since I'm an Interrogator, my scores have a higher standard, so the teachers have been working with me to improve my speaking fluency. I think it is going well. Just today I practiced with a teacher from a different team (ie I had never spoken with her before) and she was very impressed, and felt I could easily surpass the score standards. I'll find out in about 3 weeks.

After the OPI, I have the reading and listening tests, which are someone worrisome, if only because I've been so focused on speaking these past few weeks that I feel my reading and listening have been starting to slip. I've got to spend some extra time working on those areas on my own. Still, the teachers seem to think it won't be a problem.

I've had some time to read some books lately, including Elie Wiesel's "Night" (autobiographical novel about his experiences at Auschwitz). Powerful book, and it's got Oprah's seal of approval, so you know it's good. ;)
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