_dudu_ and
curse_of_avalon have created this new community, if you like challenges, please join, it's a great community ^ ^ !
_jems_~>I discovered her journal a few weeks ago and she's got great icon skills, check her out for beautiful VM icons. = )
__paperdreams~> Some people are really too talented… :p
diken~> THE community you need for caps of recent TV shows and beautiful icons.
First of all a thought for the causualties and deads of the Bali terrorist bomb attack.
Then I hope my dear Flist is (or will be ) ok. And for those of you who are not updating a lot please do I'd love to have news from you and to know how you are. Thx !
Right now, I'm pretty ok : school is good, weather (well weather sucks but it's october…isn't? :p ) tomorrow philosophy essay…Yeah, right I don't even want to think about this… :D ( it actually means 4 hours on a blank paper telling myself : find something…!). Anyway apart from that I've made icons but I'm not sure I want to share them, I don't like my icons, I always end up with someone else 's style and I feel guilty… Here it is nothing special in my boring life but if you guys want to know something in particular just ask. ^ ^