I just learned the news about Tori and SGA.
I can't believe they're doing this to her character ! Her performance is great, she has important relations with the all team members and she really adds up to the show ! I wonder if it's because having her as a cast member means they can't focus as much as they want on the outside missions and John's team.
Besides I wonder if Bright is cutting Weir out to get Carter in in terms of screen time, wage and everything...
Don't get me wrong AT is a great actress but it is so sad to see Weir stepping out ! It isn't fair...
My mini holidays are officialy over : I had 3 days since my exams were over to relax and now I have classes this week, but not at the law university, at this "prépa ENS Cachan" I'm doing ( french people know what it is) : it's 14 to 16 hours per week of economy, maths, law, languages and so on to prepare a very famous school called ENS Cachan. The prépa lasts 2 years and I have next week Uni begins so I'll have prepa + uni as I had from september to the beginning of december...*Yeaaah*.
Also I'm looking for a au pair job in the UK, do you know any reliable organism, association which organizes this kind of trip ?
I have seen that many people in my Flist have a made a book/movie list for 2007, all I can say is that I hope you guys will make it ! I know for sure I could never read 50 books in a year. I love reading but I am extremely slow when it comes to this ; ). Right now I am reading A darkness more than night by Michael Connelly, it's a thriller andit's pretty good, there's a lot related to law and justice , you can feel Connelly's law background there, it makes the whole book much more realistic.
I also have a new artwork *grins*, I hadn't opended PS in weeks, and every time I tried to do sth it was just crap... But I am an admin at a french artistic forum called Artistes Anonymes ( I'll talk about it in a further post, with more details, I really want to pimp this thing !), and I wanted to create sth for the challenge, it's a totally free one, each month. Here's my little thing, I only used defaults resources and some stocks from SXC :
I had a 2 hours driving lesson today and it went ok, I was way more relaxed compared to my last lesson ( 2 months ago !), but my instructor is a great, I actually changed because the man I had during my 3 first lessons made me feel so stressed and I already stress so much on my own so I asked for a change and now the woman I have is great. Well tomorrow is a 1 hour lesson with another woman, but I think I can go through it : ).
And I began 24, Season 3. I love 24, this is one of the most thrilling show out there and every detail is worked to the perfection.I also watched Prison Break Season 1, after weeing all these icons from
loleia and
ruedespapillons I guess I really needed to see for myself and W O W : W. Miller is so hot ! I also love Veronica's character, Sara and Sucre. Thank you girls for making me want to watch !