At 5 PM I will know if I got my baccalauréat or not and with what grade which is actually called in french "mention". I am already scared now... I'd be really disappointed if I don't get the grade I want.
Anyway I know there are more important things in life ! For example I missed
liajedi 's birthday. I am so sorry darling. I'll write you an e-mail this afternoon. Je suis vraiment désolée ma chérie, vraiment ! ♥
And here's a little explanation of the french school system for those who'd like to know :
Kids go to school usually at 6, though they can go earlier in the "maternelle" ( = nursery school), from 6 to 11 it's the "école primaire" ( = primary school). From 11 to 15 it's the "collège " (= secondary school / junior high school) and then from 15 to 18 it's the "lycée". In the last year: the"terminale" (= senior year) you have to take an exam called baccaluréat, shortly called "bac". There are many kinds of bac : genreal, technologic… In the general bac, you have 3 categories :
S stands for scientific: The courses are : biology; maths; physic-chemistry: these are the most important ones; at least 2 languages ( english, spanish,german…); french ; philosophy; history/geography, sport
ES stands for Economic and social The courses are : Economy, History/ Geography; maths = most important ones and then : philosophy, languages; french; biology; sport
L stands for Litterature. The courses are: French, Philosophy, Litterature = most important ones and then : maths, physic; languages; history/geography; sport.
In all these 3 categories you can pick options AND specialisms. Complicated , eh ?
Then you've got University ; "Prépas" which consist in 2 years of extremly hard work to then get very good schools in area such as business, engineer's sciences and so on…. There are many others things you can do : schools or diplomas such as BTS and so on.
I took an ES bac with an option of history/geogrpahy in english and my specialism was maths. Next year I'll go the the University of Law and I'll also a "prépa" called "prépa Cachan" , it's not as hard as the HEC one : just 10 hours of courses such as economy, law, language to help me pass my 1st year of university.
Sorry for the long boring post about school !