
Nov 28, 2008 11:00

Poll okay seriously dudes

I thought everybody had eaten this! You put sweet potatoes in a dish (you can, according to cooks.com, get very fancy with this, but the vulgar among us go and buy a goddamn can of sweet potatoes and a bag of marshmallows) and put marshmallows on top and bake it until the marshmallows are all golden, gooey, and full of tasty. honooko HAD NEVER HEARD OF IT.

It's super sweet, though, so it's best in small quantities.

Yesterday was superfun! Two of us sat around watching Arashi shit on a computer and screaming things like OH MY GOD MATSUMOTO YOU WHORE EAT A SANDWICH and the rest of the house ignored us politely and/or were on their own electronic devices.

Dunno what we're going to do today besides me abusing Amy's broadband and probably writing some since I uhhhh kind of have to get going on 12 days fics. Also probably knitting, and maybe we will go over to Jo's, I don't know yet. I kind of want to go downtown, but I don't know if I'm stupid enough to do it on Black Friday.

pdx, rl

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