Jan 18, 2008 19:33

I swear to God, if I ever meet the freaking sadist who wrote this pattern, I am going to punch that woman in the face.

But Meg, you say, You like this pattern! You have said several times how easy and understandable, if filled with mind-numbingly tedious stockingnette stitch, this pattern is! Why is it suddenly written by a 'freaking sadist'? Please tell us this, so we can fall off our computer chairs laughing at you like everybody else that has heard you bitch about this today!

WELL, CHILDREN, I say, This pattern was written by a freaking sadist because only a freaking sadist would make you knit a sleeve onto an object that weighs *looks at website* just under a pound.

But Meg, you say, that's not too bad is it.

It wouldn't be, I reply, except for the way you have to readjust the entire pound of wool sitting on your freaking lap at least four times in a single round.

...oh, you say, we can see why you are a little annoyed.

Are you bitches laughing at me again, I say, glaring suspiciously at the computer screen.

N-no, you reply, n-not at all. M-maybe you should invest in a turntable. And be sure to take a picture of it.

I HATE YOU ALL, I reply.

I am just under 80% through! Actually probably a little more, because if all goes well I'll have about 25 yards left of the last of the five balls -- but I am almost done with the fourth one! I have about a sleeve an a half plus the button band to go, and the button band shouldn't be too hard after i get over trying to kill myself making it even. ._.

pinkpapyrus posted a bunch of K8 pictures, and I was like, man, I want to do a gallery of all of the really gay sweaters guys in JE wear! --- and then I was like, but it would be faster and easier to just do the non-gay ones, because there would be maybe five at the most.

knitting, pink sweater of doom

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