[12 Days 4/12] [JE] Scenes from an Office Party

Dec 28, 2007 01:11

TITLE: Scenes from an Office Party
PAIRING:JE general
RATING: PG-13 for language and, uh, Rie-chan.


"It's nice to see Jun with his friends," said Ohno peacefully.

Everybody turned around and stared at him. "He's with Ryo!" said Koki.

"And they're enjoying themselves," said Ohno.

"They're making Akanishi cry!" said Shige, only slightly hysterically.

"It's good to have a hobby," said Ohno, smiling vaguely at Jun as he leaned into Jin, smiling like a shark.


"Wow," said Tackey.

"It's quite the spread," said Tsubasa, looking at the buffet table. "Everything looks delicious."

"It sure does," said Tackey, watching Yamashita Shoon walk past.

"Dude, if you bad touch the juniors I'm not putting out tonight," said Tsubasa.

"Dammit," said Tackey, but dragged his eyes away from ABC.


TOKIO's Leader opened the champagne bottle. Instead of a foam of bubbles, dark green tentacles burst out, dripping champagne and some other, less innocent, ichor.

Jin screamed.

"I think the real question," said Shige finally, "is how Nino got Rie-chan in the champagne bottle without opening it."

"I think it's festive!" chirped Tegoshi, the one thing Rie-chan feared.

("She fears his divine powers," said Yamapi proudly.

"She recognizes a greater evil," said Ryo, trying to regain feeling in his legs after Tegoshi had napped on him for an hour. "Ow!" he added, and fell, splashing cocoa all over his white silk shirt.

"Blasphemer!" hissed Shige. "Accept your punishment!"

"Fuck you guys," said Ryo.)



"....are we going to?" said Pi.

Jin abandoned speech and began to scream in wordless, high pitched terror.

"Why?" demanded Kame.

Glasses on the bar began to vibrate and shatter.

"Well, okay, I'd miss him if he got dragged into some outer dimension of pain," said Pi.

"You would?" said Kame. "I don't think I would."-- but he put his drink down and moved toward Jin anyway.


"What are Matsumoto and Ryo-chan doing now?" said Subaru, as if he didn't really want to know the answer.

"I have no idea," said Sho, who had officially given up caring what Jun did as long as nobody named him in a suicide note. "Dude, this beer is really good."

"I'm tired," said a thin sad voice beside him.

"I know, baby," said Nino, patting Aiba. Nino had had exactly one glass of champagne because Jun had informed him that it was New Year's and he was going to be festive, and had switched to sparkling cider, which he watched the bartender pour out himself, and once had tested on Taichi before demanding an unopened bottle. Someone had made him a sparkly DESIGNATED DRIVER badge, and he wore it on his hip.

"Matsujun's scaring juniors," said Ohno, wandering up. He took a drink out of Sho's beer. "And Yoko said it was too bad it wasn't a Christmas party like last year, and Ryo's trying to kill him."

"He was an awfully cute elf," said Hina wistfully. "Remember his little pointed shoes and the adorable way he glared at everybody who got within eyeshot?"

"I'm sure everybody still has vivid nightmares about Tackey dressing up as Santa and trying to get the juniors to sit on his lap," said Nino.

"I want to go home," said Aiba. He rolled his head on the table, looking up at Nino piteously.

"What, still?" said Sho. "I thought they were all terrified enough already."

"In a little bit," said Nino, rubbing Aiba's shoulder. "Just as soon as Jun finishes putting the fear of Rie-chan in Kawai, okay?"

fic, je, 12 days 2007

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