[12 days 1/12] on the first day of Christmas

Dec 25, 2007 02:23

.....Meg was an entirely lazy bitch and just pointed everybody at the new Bang Bang story

Roselia Grimm - I've Got My Love

with illo by Sakkit (ie, only reason to read it), but because she could feel people glaring at her, she actually wrote up some commentary about it. Buy the two disk set and get a free coupon for a copy of Daisuke to Ken no Kaimono Carol!

Originally I was supposed to write a story about a guy who is in a Secret Santa exchange at his place of work and someone he doesn't really know from Adam takes the opportunity to buy him a lot of inappropriately work-safe gifts (ie, very melty chocolate tied in long red ribbons, silk neckties, USB drive like one Amy has that is referred to as 'the magic bullet', stuff like that). And then as the climax (har har) the Secret Santa guy would like, tie him to an office chair and do a lap dance to Santa Baby.

Unfortunately my feet turned into lumps of ice and I said to myself, Dude, if this happened to me, I would be in HR's office so freaking quickly, and thought about it some more. I'd been wanting to do a threesome for a while, but also been reluctant to do it because, as some of you remember me whining about, keeping track of who is doing what to whom and where his elbows are is um best laid out with several jointed artist models and a strong visual imagination, neither of which I have. I'd also wanted to do a really 誘い受 [inviting uke] story for a while. Frederick doesn't really count because when you get him going he goes off like firecrackers but you sorta got to prime him first, and Hyun-woo, God bless him, Jin Hyun-woo is like, I am aware that sex exists but I am not exactly sure what it has to do with me. Plus Naoki is technically seme and Justin's basic attitude has always been that if Lucian feels the need to seduce him he probably won't stop him. So I wanted to write one where the uke(s) are like Okay let's go I want this right now.

So, okay, threesome with the uke(s) going for it and the seme going along for the ride. I started writing it and thought,well, I'll have them be sort of fey and then I can put in the joke about Santa Baby, and about five hundred words in, I realized a) Seme totally needed a name because the two uke weren't coughing up names for themselves and b) it fit fairly nicely in a story line I've been laying out for a Roselia Grimm series.

The uke, incidentally, really are named Thing 1 and Thing 2.

The story goes that there's a city somewhere. It's cyberpunk and there's two sections of the city -- the Upper City and Lowertown. The Upper City is where the rich people live, and Lowertown, Lowertown is the slums. If you've read Red Coat, it's the same city that story takes place in. The idea is that for whatever reason, the city is controlled or partially controlled by part-human androids and machinery. Some of the androids are very, very human, and some of them are like Thing 1 and Thing 2 (I think they meet the bare minimum requirement to be cyborgs instead of androids) and some of them live in tanks like that one chick in Fafner. Red in 'Red Coat' is also a critter like The Things, only he's a bit more human than they are. Somewhere in there, I think there's an overreaching plot arc about the city itself and a statue of an angel, but mostly, it's 'hey I want to write porn with cyberpunk in!' I do know that the city is controlled by both a neural net supplied by these half-human creatures, and by a girl, I think, who is locked in a glass tower. All of the stories are based on fairy tales, by the way.

(You can tell Red is the same sort of creature the Things are because all three of them are like, Humans are boring and stupid, and they don't mind the boring so much but the stupid needs to die, seriously.)

Anyway, Dov, the seme, worked for a Government Agency that specialized in um Getting Rid of Problems, and the Things almost became a problem. They were raised to be very close, and then someone realized that was probably a bad idea, and the Things went crazy and ripped apart the lab they were raised in. Dov was sent to clean up, and for some reason they decided they liked him. Dov called in some favors and the Things now live with him. He treats them as cats. They treat him like cats treat humans. It's a strange relationship, but it works for them.

I don't think it was very obvious, but the fairy tale they were based on was Snow White and Rose Red, and I spent a rather frantic several hours trying to find a name for the seme that would mean 'bear' but not make him seem, you know, bearish. (Come to think of it, back in the day I was poking at a Beauty and the Beast riff where the guy's name was Dov.)

And it's two am and I don't really feel like writing about the mechanics of writing it. If anybody has any questions, leave a message after the beep.

Christmas is going okay so far!

One of the nurses gave me a dog mug and some red gloves, which was super nice of her, but 123 gave me a card, which was frankly terrifying. Not the card itself, which was a print of a water color she'd done (123 still paints very well and accordng to Erin, who has seen some of the stuff she did before her stroke, did professional-level work in the past) but uh was not aware that she liked me enough to be giving me a card? On the other hand I can brush up against her and help her with her shoes and put bracelets on her without her flipping out, so I dunno. Also a candy dish from Marketing and Delicous Cookies and Etc from My Boss and a thing of shimmery Japanese body lotion from Big Boss.

Anyway, then Amy got me a panther mouse pad, a St Christopher visor clip for Gingetsu and tomorrow I get the bamboo fiber that I wasn't supposed to know about but I kept walking up behind her accidentally. No idea what Stepsister got me but apparently Mom was so busy buying everything else that she kind of went OKAY TWINS LAST and we may or may not be just getting cash tomorrow.

I was totally lame and got her a gift card, but only because the WalMart at Delta Oaks was lame and didn't have the Special Edition of Boondock Saints like Cottage Grove did. T3T

Work was kind of hellish because someone who'd put in her two weeks decided to be super-classy and pull a no call no show, and then various crazy residents were crazy at me, and then one of the caregivers was like UM MED AIDE THIS RESIDENT APPEARS TO HAVE BLOOD COMING FROM HER BUTT and then when Med Aide was going crazy over that, someone else pulled her cord, I picked it up and said Yes? and she said "I fell D:".

It was um. special. Anyway, after work we had two hours to kill before we went to St Mary's for the Entire Banana Christmas Eve service, so we passed the Horsehead and I said HAY THIS IS AN OPEN PLACE THAT HAS FOOD IN and we spent an hour there sharing a glass of beer, fries, mac and cheese and then Amy got grits, and she played a game on her Palm and I read Kierkegaard. Then we went to Mass and Amy kind of exploded in glee because the rector was sick and some bishop from Virginia happened to be in town for his son's ordination and stepped in. It was very good; that church has a lot of the Eugene Opera people attached and there's usual a soprano or similar before service. This year there was also a flute player, which I enjoyed a lot more than the soprano. I like flutes, I'm not so keen on sopranos.

Then of course while everybody was diligently singing What Child Is This, someone in the back with delusions of being a soprano started doing the whooOOoooOOOooo thing like someone playing a saw that always happens when you sing What Child Is This or O Come All Ye Faithful in church. There was a lady who went to the London church who would do that every single service she went to, because she was convinced in her heart that she was a soprano, and as Mom says, loyally, God heard what was in her heart, even if the rest of us were bleeding from the eardrums. And now she's in the communion of the saints, and as Amy says, either she sings with the voice of her soul or there's enough of them to drown her out.

MEG: So you know all these pokeymans cards I've been passing along because I don't really care about pokeymans and in fact only use the cards as bookmarks. And it drives everybody crazy because I am like, Look at my sparkly rare card! I am using it to mark my place in my dorky book about Chinese philosophy.
AMY: Yes?
MEG: I want some in return. The cute ones! Like the crayon Bulbasaur.
MEG: Well it is!
AMY: No, no, I know which one you're talking about.
MEG: Meg loev crayon Bulbasaur T3T

....I have to get another one of the Horsea sleeping happily on the annoyed Shelldar, it's like, Ohno Loev Jun in handy drawn form.

o hay we can has grandrats tonight i guess? lol.

work, rl, 12 days 2007

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