mary wollenscraft says suck it

Dec 19, 2007 23:57

Today I realized I was using a Pokemon card to mark my place in A Vindication of the Rights of Women and even I had to admit that it was just barely possible I was a total nerd.

(Yes, I sometimes read books in English that are not skeevy gay porno fanfiction. Or, uh, books about pirates or Korean history so I can write skeevy gay porno, although I also have a lot of books about knitting and Chinese philosophy ... which still falls under skeevy gay porno about Koreans. The Chinese philosophy, I mean. I'm just very bad about articulating opinions about what I read, which is the reason why I fic instead of writing shipping essays. I can tell a story about something I think better than I can say what I think, if that makes any sense. Anyway, it's very interesting but the copy I have is from the Free Pile at Smith's and definitely needs more notes because I can just about tell there's a reference I'm missing but as 18th century social reforms has never been my thing I just accept I'm missing a reference and move on.)

Ow, body, bleeding from the crotch is neither seasonal NOR festive! T3T

Working on SaiMono fic, due tomorrow, fortunately I appear to have more in notebook than initially feared but I still hate this thing and kind of want it to die. I am pretty sure the way this thing has been going, the power's going to go out in about fifteen minutes right when I've finally gotten into something approaching a groove. I don't know what to call this thing! I keep looking at it and hating it more.


a-at least I bullied someone into the KoyaShige otters.

demands for entertainment

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