imaginarybeasts is out, with a
Roselia Grimm story!
Incidentally, if you can correctly name all the fairy tales I referenced I will pay you a quarter and/or a porno drabble. This story is also notable for one of the few times when Eve actually asked my opinion about one of the changes. (Usually it goes something like -- EVE: *dourly* At least you spell checked. MEG: SHUT UP. EVE: I'm going to edit the hell out of this okay? MEG: Sure, fine, whatever, don't actually rewrite without telling me first.) Actually she said, The ending is weird, redo it, and I was like, Fine, whatever, I have to get ready for work in forty-five minutes and we hammered out the changes in about twenty minutes. (This was mostly because Eve knows what she's doing and if she ever casts this statement up to me I will categorically deny I ever said it.)
WHICH IS TO SAY, R&R PLZ :< *grarghs on all of you until you comment*
I'm still blanking on the SaiMono prompt. So far I have a glimmer of an idea for SSBB so I'm still doing okayish, it's just I'm having a slight WHYYYYY JENNIFFFFFFEEEER moment here with the SaiMono one.