Oct 29, 2007 10:44


Why, yes, I am fishing shamelessly for people to pat me on the head and write me porno and tell me what a good brave ex-smoker I am.

if you're rolling your eyes, I invite you to work at my place for a day or two, and then you will probably wonder why I'm not in AA too. (I'm still trying to think of a nice way to suggest to 216's daughter that perhaps, just perhaps, it might be better if she just called her mother an hour beforehand or even just made it an awesome surprise when she means to take her mum out for lunch or visited her. Because 216 winds herself up like a little clock, and that means the nice lady at the front desk is wondering if she can really hang herself with the fake spiderwebs all over the lobby.)

(And my sister had brain surgery! And I didn't smoke a single puff. Dammit, I deserve a medal, or at least an epic porno AibaJun drabble.)

...it also sort of occurred to me, as I pressed the throbbing tic in my eye and glared at the excitingly slubby yarn on the spindle, that it might increase my chances of going another two years if I would just get less frustrating hobbies. You should embrace the learning process, say the hippie back to the basics websites, it's all about the doing, not being done! practice makes perfect and everything that shows you learning a skill is beautiful. BULLSHIT. I WANT TO DO IT RIGHT AND I WANT TO DO IT RIGHT, RIGHT NOW. And now you know why I never start anything. I want to do it right the first time and I get mad if I don't.


(Generations of inbred illiterate peasants did it! WHY CAN'T I? I have technology on my side! Oh wait, there's that thing where they spun hundreds of thousands of yards and I have spun .... maybe twenty? But I refuse to believe that something silly like that has anything to do with it. That's just crazy talk.)

I have one thing to say to the people doing leaf burning right now, and that is BUCK DOO DUYS *sneezesniffle*. When I get home from work I am just going to work on the Pink Sweater of Doom (my plans for working on it and watching retarded Japanese programs were unexpectedly derailed by something sort of like a social life, if you call 'first I went to the comic store and knitting shop and was waylaid in the driveway for dinner with family and then the next day Mom and I went and dorked the hell on out with cousins and then went to the bookstore' a social life) and hate on leafburning. How can something that smells so nice give me such incredibly bad allergies?

crafts, spinning, hint hint hint

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