brilliant ideas before caffiene

Mar 26, 2007 10:49

Why don't they make toasters with only one slot?

no seriously. it would be the best idea for like dieters ever. because I don't know about you guys but I instinctively put two pieces of toast in because there's two slots in the toaster. So why not just have a single slot for poeple who are dieting or living by themselves?

Ripped through the Stilshrine last night, got past the judge (are they all gay?) and then realized I didn't do a side quest I coulda done. Drat. I have a save before the Judge fight, so I might go back and try it. I need to buy more teleport stones anyway. has anybody come up with a way to explain the teleport stones in fic?

nooooo larsa come back to meeeeee ;____; I'm sure they're not feeding you right in the imperial capitol! w-what will you do without your gay aunt Drace to bully you?

Drat, 'trashyknitters' is open as a LJ name and I'm getting tired of people who knit with nothing but Debbie Bliss or Rowan. Please stop me. I mean. It would be so awesome. "For people who like aluminum needles, who go to JoAnn's and buy the two dollar plastic straights because they're pretty and bright, who like acrylic because then you can just toss that bad boy in the washer, for people who have a heart attack at the price of Lamb's Pride! Join us, our siblings! The only thing we have to lose is our classist feelings of inferiority!" I - I could ask if we could be a sister comm of twobuckchuck or something.

The hell of it is that I actually do like the fancy yarns and I have an awful lot of bamboo needles and a pair of Addi's staring at me, but JESUS GOD, you people! Knitting should be useful --- and then if it's a mode of conspicious consumption, fine. Otherwise, no. Just no.

(Although I keep looking at Cash Iroha at the Foofy Yarn Store and lusting after it like - like I don't know what. I'm sure I look a lot like my dog staring at a squeaky ball in someone's hand, though. It is so beautiful and so expensive and I want it so badly. It's bad enough with the baby alpaca, though. I think if I can get my current yarn knitted up I might get some .. but for what? I'd have to buy two skeins for even a hat or gloves and it's ten dollars and change for a skein!)

That reminds me, I bought a Bryson 40 inch #8 on Saturday because I wanted to see if it would work for magic loop knitting. The cord's a bit thick for it but I haven't tried getting the sizing out of it. They are extremely flexible even without the sizing removed, and run about $7.15 at Soft Horizons, which is about as much as you would pay for Susan Bates. It works okay for Magic loop but I think you'd have to be really careful that the stitches didn't get stretched on the edges. I'd like to to get a #8 Addi but I'm not sure if my hands could handle the metal tips. The cutoff right now seems to be s#5 -- any bigger and they drain warmth from my hands and we have to have a Talk. I know I can't work with #8 aluminum ones.

(Now see if I was into conspicious consumption for my needles I would buy Lantern Moon needles which are handmade by artisians in, I dunno, Outer Mongolia -- Thailand, actually, I think? -- and have super low memory cords and are made of ebony or rosewood and cost, I wish I was joking, cost twenty five dollars. But they again are very beautiful.)

knitting, ff12, rants

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