As usual I blame Nyase. fire emblem / nc-17 / Hector x Raven AU / "cure for the itch"

Oct 29, 2006 21:38

I'll um be under the bed hiding.

Oh well, at least I know I can hack out over a thousand words of porn more or less on demand now. And on the bright side, it probably reads better if you know absolutely nothing of the game in question!

can I have my Justin puffie now?

The original request was for High School AU with Raven and Hector in the basketball team together but the sad fact of the matter is if I'm going to write random angry sex I pretty much have to do it in a club because otherwise I am totally at a blank.

What really drives Raven crazy about Hector Ostia is how everything always goes right for him. It's not fair. Hector's big and fills a room just by being there, and he has some sort of strange magnetic attraction for basketballs that make them all but leap at him when he's on the court.

The only thing that doesn't drive Raven crazy about Ostia is the way that Ostia will watch Eliwood Pherae with his little girlfriend, the way Pherae will bend over her white-blonde head, listening to her and watching over her. It makes Raven want to laugh and laugh. He wants to go up to Ostia and point out that even if he was a girl he wouldn't be what Pherae wants; he could never be quiet and gentle and fragile. Ostia as a girl would be some sort of tall majestic Valkyrie, with legs that went on forever and broad shoulders and a figure like one of the statues in the art museum. And Pherae wouldn't look at him. Her. Raven tried to stop thinking about it.

He can't stand it. He can't stand it.

Pherae was stupid anyway.

Ostia's got this thing, right, that apparently he was born with because he can stand quietly in the corner and people are just sort of drawn to him. Pherae's got it worse but you expect it from him. Raven doesn't have it, never did have it. The closest he comes to is scaring people into paying attention to them.

It's stupid to obsess this much about Ostia, and he knows it: he tells himself it's because the Ostia family ruined his family. That Ostia is part of the reason why he's working two jobs and doesn't see his sister more than once a month. He knows in his head that this isn't even the reason why.

It's just. It's like an itch. Ostia makes Raven look at him and the hell of it Raven knows that Ostia has no idea that he's even doing it. Sometimes he says hello as he passes Raven. "Hey, Cornwall. What's up." Raven's never able to do anything but grunt in return.

He can't stand it. He can't stand it.

A couple of the guys in the team are going out to a club. Somehow Raven gets roped into it and he's not willing to admit, even to himself, that he agreed because Ostia set his mouth unhappily and agreed because Pherae was going to go. He's not willing to admit that he even makes sort of an effort to look nice. Nicer than usual, anyway. Ostia, of course, is wearing a blue shirt and jeans and watching Pherae unhappily.

Pherae is laughing and talking to his girlfriend. There's a soft look on Ostia's face because Pherae isn't looking at him. Raven just wants to punch it off him. He can't stand it. The pounding bass in the song is making his head numb. It's annoying him so much that he gets up and goes out to the quiet dark outside. He takes a deep breath and coughs a little, because the alley smells of garbage and stale smoke. It's still better than the flashing lights inside. The door opens again and he steps further into the shadow.

It's Ostia. He's unbuttoning his shirt a few buttons as if he's too hot to stand the cloth against his throat any more. In the dim light of the door's light, Raven can see sweat gleaming in the hollow of Ostia's throat.

He can't stand it. He can't stand it.

He's smaller and skinnier than Ostia but he's strong enough and he's got surprise on his side, anyway. He shoves Ostia against the wall. Ostia grunts with surprise. "Hey," he begins.

"Shut up," says Raven. "Shut up." To make sure Ostia does, he yanks him by the hair and crushes his lips against Ostia's, forcing them open. There's a coppery taste as if Ostia scraped his teeth against the inside of his mouth. Ostia's mouth tastes like the stale cigarette smoke of the club and maybe toothpaste and lemon soda. Ostia's body is rigid against his for a minute and then the tension goes out. Raven thinks he must be pretending or something. Not that Raven cares.

He can't stand it. He can't stand it.

His mind is going blank. He's wound up as tight as he can get. It's all Ostia's fault. It's because he's always there, being annoying, just by breathing. His hand tightens in Ostia's hair, pulling him down so so their groins grind together. Ostia hisses in his mouth and Raven takes his mouth away and bites Ostia angrily on the neck. He wants to mark him. He wants to prove he can affect him. Ostia shudders deeply and slumps down so Raven is almost on his lap, balanced over his hips. Raven grinds down and Ostia hisses again. Raven is silent, biting Ostia's neck and throat over and over again. He shoves his hand down and wrenches Ostia's jeans open, and then his own. Ostia swears, viciously and quietly, at the first touch of their cocks together. It's dry and hot and almost painful until Ostia licks his hand and brings it down to help Raven wrap around their cocks and move.

Raven almost snarls, pulling away and dropping to his knees. He licks the large vein running up Ostia's cock and sucks the top as if he means to eat it whole. Ostia's hands crush in his hair.

He can't stand it. He can't stand it.

He pulls away and grabs Ostia's hand, sucking it into his mouth. Ostia is weird like this, yielding. Raven bites his hand just to make him hiss again. He pulls it out of his mouth and leads it to his ass. Ostia at least has some idea what to do. One finger, then two, quick and rough, as Raven bites his lip hard to keep from saying anything. Three fingers and Raven pulls Ostia's hand away. It's not enough. In the dim light Ostia's face is wild and blank, like an animal. Like he's not thinking of anything at all. Like he's finally paying attention to Raven.

Raven pulls him down again and there's a confused moment when there's too many hands trying to do things at once and then Raven is hissing as he slides down on Ostia. Ostia's growl fills the air. It's more like a sensation than a sound. Raven is shaking as he bites down on the pain of taking Ostia. It's almost what he wants. It hurts but it's almost what he wants. Ostia's head is tipped back almost as if he's submitting to something. Someone. His eyes are closed again and Raven knows he's pretending again. It's alright.

He can't stand it. He can't stand it.

Ostia's hand around his cock. Ostia is always there, always larger than life. Always making Raven pay attention to him without paying attention to Raven.

He can't stand it. He can't stand it. He can't --

Ostia shudders deeply and comes and as his hand tightens around Raven, Raven bites his shoulder again, hard enough to draw blood.

He can't stand it he can't he can't he --

Distantly he hears the thrumming of the bass, like a far-away echo of the pounding of his heart. He's glad, spitefully glad, that Ostia is paying attention to him.

*slinks rapidly off*

fire emblem, things i will regret, fanfic, smut

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