Feb 15, 2006 11:54
I wish to write something and my alternatives are
1. Holic crossovers which I am reluctant to do because I am still boggling quietly over FOUR requests for FF7 and wondering what you guys have against poor Cloud, that you want Yuuko to get her claws in him
2. Original stuff up to and including smutty drabble sequels to Red Coat wherein Red finds a new toy and Wolf is Very Not Happy about it. Also Walter and Frederick being retards or Hyun-woo and Sung-min I dunno, dealing with ghosts or something -- OR HEY, I COULD TYPE UP THE SHIT I HAVE IN NOTEBOOK AHAHAHA.
3. Poking Satoshi with a stick
4. Obscure shoujo series chewing at my ankles because if Ren is totally straight then I am totally Good Queen Bess. I keep trying and trying to tell myself that I've got stop looking for the homogay and then Ryuji starts hanging all over Ren and Ren, who to give you an idea of his personality starts the series with the nickname Ice Prince and is the son of Old Money and takes like, a volume and a half to crack a smile at the heroine, lets him. And I think no! I must not corrupt these things! and then I think, oh hell, THREESOME FOR THE WIN. I - I want to write blanket fic and I don't think I've ever actually commited blanket fic ever.
Alternately I'm thinking "Wallflower" but I have to figure out how to do it first. I really do like the series, it's just one of them that's kind of impossible to fic for on account of everything that I would want see happen in fic already happens in canon -- except for Kyohei crossdressing. That would be awesome.