hisashiburi ni DNANGEL desun.

Feb 11, 2006 10:50

Speaking of rivalslash, someone pointed out that SatDai is more the Romeo and Juliet thing -- although the funny thing is that I've never thought of them having that dynamic in my fic. I guess they do but I don't think 'tragically seperated by their families' I think -- okay, this is going to be hard to express. I think a lot of the reason Satoshi notices Daisuke to begin with is because Daisuke is a Niwa. Satoshi doesn't seem to be very interested in other people unless he has a real reason to be interested in them. Otherwise they're sort of fleshy blobs that populate the landscape.
(One of the big arguments for SatRisa, btw, is the fact that he doesn't regard her as a fleshy blob. He notices that she's good at being a girl. She surprises him when she makes the comment about Dark. He's sufficently comfortable around her that he falls asleep around her during the class trip, and then you have the whole poking cautiously at her hair thing in volume five.)

The other thing is, Romeo and Juliet says, I love you so much I would die for you, I love you so much I want you to die for me. Satoshi would die for Daisuke but he wouldn't want Daisuke to die for him.

ps - if I do the girl issue of Bang Bang please to be mailbombing saturnoolaa.


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