Dear Satoshi,
While Mommy is of course happy you're actually working on myDec, you ungrateful little bastard, she would really like to know why she has like four pages in notebook describing the creepy atmosphere of the goddamn vault.
Dear Krad,
Suck it up. At least you get to hurt someone.
Dear Hikari clan in general,
Stop lurking and start being useful if you want fic. That means YOU, weird person who made kites and crap.
Dear Baby Fangirls,
Get a beta, get a copy of Elements of Style, get a brain, get a copy of the goddamn series. Any or preferably all.
Also, do not make Mommy come over there with the whomping stick.
In less irritable news, happy birthday to
pieces and
And Amy, could you burn me some CDs of music? BEFORE Diamond Lake, preferably. o_o Like the O-Ren clip if you can manage it. I'm going to take a lot of stuff off Shirley today so I may ask for the CDs I made yesterday back sometime.