Aug 25 / The heart beats on and will not stop /TRC / Tomoyo-hime, Kurogane, Fye

Aug 25, 2005 12:55

Day/Theme: Aug 25 / The heart beats on and will not stop
Series: TRC
Character/Pairing: Tomoyo-hime
Rating: G

So ok, I keep thinking, what I really need to write is a fic where Kurogane and Fye go back to Kurogane's world and Fye is invited to stay as long as he wants and there's a weird OT3 feeling with him, Kurogane and TOmoyo and Fye says he can't stay cos Ashura-ou might cause trouble, causing Tomoyo-hime to say, severely, she does not think that Ashura-ou is a very nice person. And possibly Ashura-ou comes and they kick his bottom gently to the tune of 'your balls come out your ears wheeHEE~'.

But no, I think, I've got too much to deal with anyway.


When they came to Kurogane's world they landed in a long hallway filled with women listening to a girl on a raised dais recite something from a scroll in a sweet clear voice. She wore long robes, of a deep blue embroidered with crescent moons and other auspicious symbols. The smoke from incense braziers floated around the room, filling it with a sweet smoky scent. Fye thought he had never seen such a perfect setting, not even in his own world where courtiers fought to set off their king, waiting anxiously to hear what he would wear. The girl's long black hair fell down her back and onto the floor in a dark cloud, like swirls of ink floating down a page.

She read,

Therefore the heart has no mental hindrances.
No mental hindrances, therefore fear and fright does not exist.
Far apart, everything confused, inverted, dream thoughts, ultimate end, Nirvana.
In three worlds all Buddhas follow prajnaparamita,
therefore attain anuttara samyaksambodhi.
Therefore know prajnaparamita
It is the great divine mantra, it is the great bright mantra,
There is no higher mantra, There is no equal mantra,
able to remove everything suffering.
It is true and real, not false.
Therefore speak prajnaparamita mantra, then speak mantra, saying:
Gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha!
Prajna Heart Sutra.

Kurogane sucked in his breath, almost a sob, of some great tension too long carried and now released, and walked toward the dais.

31days, trc

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