(no subject)

Jul 29, 2005 11:55

Dude, someone from ROMANCE FORETOLD just went :DDDD HIII MEEEG at me.

I'll just be over here feeling OLD and wondering what it says about me that I went from original stuff to fanfic instead of the other way around.

Will drag mind off tempting vistas of hurting Harry Potter fen for a while (much to startredder's relief, I'm sure) and work on the original story for bb_shousetsu -- and the drabbles for 31_days, which are kind of poking me gleefully. I think there's going to be at least one WANTED! drabble because I am a horrible person, and I believe in confusing people whenever possible. And a Tennen Pearl Pink one.

I still think we should do this again the next month there's 31 days, Tin. I'll even do the thingies for it! Of course, if I do the prompts it'll only end up in tears. Which is the POINT, isn't it?!

Finally, pornkings poked me for the Five Things... meme, so ask for my top five things in anything, bar me pointing and laughing hysterically at you.

To start off, here's the requests I got a couple of days ago, when Oliver was still sick (he's better now, btw):

Rae: Five favorite words in English:
1 translucent
2 murmur
3 wash
4 shining
5 fillip

Sakkit, top five fics I've written that I'm fond of:
1. Icebreakers -- because despite its obvious flaws it's still the fic where I said most of what I wanted to say about CCS.
2. God Rest Ye Merry -- because I managed to get the mood I wanted in it.
3. So Nice -- because it's cute and retarded and I have a hard time writing smut at all, let alone cute and retarded.
4. Colors -- because it's my Big Fat Hizuki Fic. And, er, well, it's my Big Fat Hizuki fic, dammit! It's one of the fics that was honestly written because I wanted to write it -- considering there's what, five other TSK fans I know?
5. Winter Warmth -- actually, looking at this now, and considering how much of Inuyasha I haven't read, it turned out pretty well. I was trying to make Sesshumaru be a big, fat woobie without actually saying he was a big fat woobie and I think it turned out pretty well.

Kate, top five crochet projects:
Uh... I really don't have five completed projects to choose from? o_oa I like the afghan I made for my grandfather, though.

Juri, top five things I want to do in Chicago

2 Go to the museums
3 Find a corner somewhere and recite Carl Sandburg
4 Shop? I guess? o_oa
5 Visit my great-aunt Pat

Velithya, top five Sat/Dai moments

1. VOLUME FIVE. OH GOD VOLUME FIVE. Where Satoshi's holding onto Daisuke like he's drowning and he's so sad and angry and just wants to shake Daisuke.
2. The part in volume ... two? I think? where Daisuke lands on Satoshi and Satoshi gets this look on his face like 'Well that was an unexpected bonus to a COMPLETELY CRAPPY DAY'.
3. Volume four, where Satoshi crouches over unconcious Daisuke and says he's sorry. And then promptly turns into Krad, poor kid.
4. The PLAY. >3
5. Volume nine where Daisuke takes him home because he's fainted and he wakes up and he's so stunned. And then he has to go through Dinner at the Niwa's and he wibbles at Kosuke and finally he goes away in the middle of the night and tells Daisuke he's always been jealous of him. ;______;

I'd give you top five fic moments but I can't think of any off the top of my head that aren't from mine or from someone I have on my friends' list and that would mean a huge digging of stuff, so sorry. >_>

meme, fic

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