
Jun 18, 2005 23:52

Sacred Stones:

Glen, sweetie, you were too cool to live. That's all there is to it. ;___; Wah!

Innes rocks my world. He's so snarky. So snotty. So totally not fooling ANYBODY but he's so stuck up they let him think it just so he won't get upset and go ._. at them. L'Arachel still needs thumped, however. WOULD IT KILL YOU PEOPLE TO HAVE A HEALER CHICK WHO DID NOT MAKE ME WANT TO SLAP HER? I think I need retarded fic about her and the Rogue guy, though.

Other crap:

Nyase, I'd be totally dead if the RaWil antics were the modernday AU that I was threatening last year, right? Otherwise please find a way for Raven to explain to himself about this .... THING ... he has going with Wil.


(My brain keeps trying to map Anne of Green Gables characters onto Fire Emblem. It would TOTALLY work - like Una Meredith would be the mounted healer chick who has about five HP to start with and dies all the time but if you managed to level her up she'd be the one sitting in the middle of the battlefield, killing things with light magic and going o_o when something tried to hit her because her Res and Luck are so high. The Ingleside girls -- Di, Nan, and Rilla -- would be Pegasus Knights, Faith would be, I dunno, a swordchick who turns into a Swordmaster and kicks ass, Walter would be a Mage who turns into a Sage who takes out anything in one hit, Jem and Ken would be, I dunno, Mercendaries who turn into Heroes, Shirley would be a Wyvern Knight because he's just that awesome and Jerry and Carl would be the Knight Duo. Anne would be a Sniper or a Sage -- preleveled -- and Gilbert would be a Bishop. Yes, I am totally going to bed now. No, I still haven't figured out who would be the Shaman. Possibly Walter, come to think of it. Wait, Jem would be an Archer. Can't figure out who would be the Thief, though.)

bunnies, sacred stones

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