@_@ Dammit, I need to be able to write a summary that is NOT the length of the actual chapter.
Fortunately 19 actually has a lot less action in it. AM NOT LOOKING FORWARD TO DOING CHAPTER TWENTY.
Also, I need visual aids for some of this but I can't be arsed to scan anything tonight. Sorry. ^^;;
('Hino-sensei: HEE HEE MAGIC SCHOOL :D')
VERY BRIEFLY: Airi has a crash course in magic. Razu broke her mirror and so she has to learn magic to travel between the worlds. Also, Alam helpfully got Rei to pose as Airi in her home world until she could get back herself. So she goes to magic school, her husband follows her around like a small, black haired duckling, and Jeile is her tutor. Also features the only time Alam willingly admits to being cute and Jeile's idea of a magical girl costume. At the end Alam declares he's going to announce their marriage officially at an upcoming thingy (I'd say party but it's more like a massive smooze/ball/festival for the royal families).
Chaos ensues? OH YES.
The chapter opens with one of the teachers in the magic school explaining some sort of magical theory. Airi is totally confused (I don't think she can even read their writing system) and she can't exactly CONCENTRATE because of Alam tagging around. (He's in a little uniform and there's a placard with 'PTA' on it. >D) Especially since he WILL smile at her and pat her hair, and everything with two X chromosomes in that room is having heart attacks equally comprised of OMG SQUEE SO KYOOOOT and WTF BITCH.
(Apparently the school is for nobles? All the girls use really formal language -- they use a form I've actually never come across, o-PLAIN VERB ni naru. [KYAAA ALAM-OUJI GA OWARAI NI NATTA is the exact line.] Mariabel uses it in chapter 18, too. Very odd. Lots of 'desu no' and other retarded ojousama conjunctions.)
Then there's a short, intense flame war about I THOUGHT YOU WERE LOYAL TO JEILE-OUJI / HA I CAN APPRECIATE ALAM-OUJI TOO JUST IMAGINE WHAT HE'LL BE LIKE GROWN UP / etc, mixed with a slight group orgasm over Alam's adult form.
Then after the setup, there's a flashback to a day or so earlier. Airi's in what is technically a bathtub but looks more like a goodish-sized wading pool at a waterpark, freaking out because OH GOD HER DOGS WILL STARVE and SCHOOOOOL. Alam pokes his head around the pillar (you know, this totally makes me understand why, in the last chapter, Airi says they practically got quarentined because of her bad influence on his education -- AND IT WAS TOTALLY NOT HER FAULT) and wants to know if she wants him to scrub her back after all. Some maids go D: YOUR HIGHNESS THAT'S OUR JOB! and Airi (who has, to quote the immortal Pratchett, taken to being waited on like a duck to investment banking, poor girl) starts splashing them and screeching ECCHI ECCHI and NO SHE'S WORRIED ABOUT WHAT'S GOING ON AT HOME and Alam yells for the maids to save themselves.
After Airi calms down -- or at least stops splashing people -- Alam says she doesn't need to worry about that -- something about Nakaouji? (Nakaouji WA [emphasis in text] ijimete ii to itte aru.) (I said it was ok to bother Nakaouji?) Airi asks what he's talking about (what ABOUT Nakaouji-kun?) and Alam tells her that Rei is being her. I mean, literally being her, he's transformed into her and is going to school in her place.
Boy, if he thought that was going to comfort her, he was wrong.
Airi more or less spontaneously levitates from the tub, screaming she has to get home RIGHT NOW, Rei is probably committing CRIMES in her NAME and ... uh .... 'shakaiteki ni massatsu sarekanenai wa----------!!' (ignoring all rules of social behavior? ruining her reputation? something of that whisker). Alam, further fulfilling his role as the one person of sense in this damn manga (yes, the sensible person is the seven year old, and that's only AS COMPARED) points out that she CAN'T, Razu broke the mirror that she used to get between the worlds. Airi grabs him by the collar and screams she HAS to get home, REI'S GOING TO DO SOMETHING SHE KNOWS IT.
Alam, remarkably calm for someone dangling like a puppy in his wife's grasp, tells her to calm down, and, uh, he can, um. SEE. Things.
It dawns on Airi that she just leaped out of the bathtub.
Alam nurses his sore cheek, Airi glares at him from the bathtub.
Alam says that if she knew magic she could get back through other mirrors (I think she can use that particular mirror because it belongs to her family?). Airi says she CAN'T use magic and Alam says she probably can if she studied it. Airi says no, she can't, and Alam says she should be able to, she's from one of the royal houses, after all.
Thus, Hino-sensei gets to write about a magic school. -_-;
Alam is being a nuisance (I think he thinks he's being helpful) and Airi is developing a migraine. After classes, she has to stay for special tutoring.
"Hey, Alam-ouji..." says Airi.
"Why are you being so formal?" asks Alam. He grabs one of her braids, leans in, and says "Call me Alam like you usually do."
The Fangirl Borg, lurking behind the door, sets up a screaming howl of outraged ... fangirlism, mostly.
"THAT is why," says Airi. "Here at school, could you please just treat me like you did when you forgot who I was?"
The Fangirl Borg starts screaming again, but this time it's because the special tutor has arrived.
It's Jeile.
With the biggest goddamn load of roses I've personally ever seen, and once when I was in college there was this girl who had this boyfriend/stalker person who sent her 100 roses on Valentine's Day.
No, this does not bode well.
He lavishes a smile on the Fangirl Borg, calling them 'beautiful budding maidens' (I am COMPLETELY SERIOUS) and suggesting they go home before it gets dark because if they were hurt, he couldn't bear it.
He TOTALLY uses boku and the -nasai form.
We will now stop so you can gape in horrified awe at Jeile's masterly technique. Which, incidentally, appears to work a lot better than his brother's method of scowling at everybody, because the Fangirl Borg sort of puddles its way out the door.
The ginormous bunch of roses, by the way, were for Airi. Alam is NOT AMUSED.
Jeile sets up his stuff on the desk, telling Airi to call him Jeile-sensei ♥. Airi screams at her husband she just wants to know WHY THE HELL he's the special tutor and Alam says it can't be helped, he's the person who does the extra tutoring.
Jeile scores a direct hit on the side of Alam's head with the chalk and tells him to shut up.
(The brothers, as you can see, have a very, uh, natural relationship.)
He asks Airi if she knows about the Maiden's Kiss as a method of breaking a spell. Well, of COURSE she does, if it wasn't for that damn thing she wouldn't be having extra tutoring in magic from her insane brother-in-law while her husband glowers beside her, would she.
Jeile touches briefly on other types of kisses used to break spells (the Prince's Kiss used to reverse sleeping spells, actually) and then snaps his fingers and TURNS HIMSELF IN A SEVEN YEAR OLD.
Seriously. I had to go tell the dog I wasn't dying after I finished coughing a lung out from laughing so hard. Don't start smoking, children, it makes reading shoujo a painful experience.
Airi's just sitting there going WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK and Alam, poor baby, has this expression of acute nausea.
Jeile tries to get Airi to kiss him 'to break the spell' and Alam, naturally has a screaming heart attack and about dies at this transparent effort to get Airi to kiss Jeile. He says if they need a test subject, they should use HIM. Don't DO things to cause trouble! Jeile says it's so AIRI understands what's GOING ON! After all, experimenting a lot is the route to understanding magic!
"Anyway," coos Jeile, pushing his brother's nose into his skull, "Isn't it all right? All it needs is one little kiss to the cheek! My cute baby brother, damn you. ♥"
Alam grabs his brother's cheek. "It's still you, so you're not cute."
(By this time, after I clawed my way back to the bed and calmed down, it occured to me that Jeile tried being a seven year old on the basic premise of 'what the hell, when in Rome ...' and I nearly gave myself a concussion.)
Airi, in a scene familiar to babysitters everywhere, attempts to break it up. The brothers (who look like TWINS, it's kind of scary), ignore her.
"YOUR CHEEKS ARE ALWAYS SO 'POKOPOKO' (couldn't find word in dictionary, I'm assuming Jeile means cute and squishy)~!"
Airi opens her mouth and closes it again.
(Yes, it is as fully as wrong as it sounds. Especially since you don't actually see the fight, you just see Airi giving up trying to stop it.)
Airi yawns.
Airi actually sits down and is half asleep when the brothers remember she's even there. "AIRI!"
Airi looks up. On the desk is a tangled mass of cute seven year old brothers.
"Which one of us do you want to kiss?!"
Airi is dazzled. "What -- What IS this?!" she thinks.
Close up of the brothers. They ARE adorable, in that 'aw, wookit the cute widdle bloodthirsty bwothwers' way. "Which one?!"
Airi reacts like a normal human being. She squeaks and grabs both brothers. "HOW CUUUUUUUTE~~~"
Jeile is having a personal moment going "AH~~~ MOUNTAIN LILY GIRL'S BREASTS~~~~~~" and Alam, in horror, yelps, "STUPID! WHAT DO YOU THIN--"
It's too late.
Airi squishes their heads together. Their lips meet. To give Jeile what (little) credit he's due, he looks just as nauseated as Alam the second before they actually kiss.
There's a little death's head by Alam, and Jeile has returned to adulthood.
"Alam kissed me and I detransformed...." he says, blushing. "I must dote on my little brother too much..."
Airi freaks.
Alam is huddled sobbing in a corner, traumatized for life. "Airi," he moans, "I can't go onnnnn.... I'm not even a MAIDEN ..." (I think he means he's not, you know, a young female, but by this point I wouldn't be surprised to find out he means he's now ritually impure and must divorce her before commiting suicide to erase the stain on his purity.)
"There there," says Airi, patting him. "I'm sorry, that was horrible, wasn't it? Kissing your older brother."
Jeile is having another private moment, but recovers. He pulls a mirror out and says, "Airi!"
Airi turns and glares at him. "What?"
A blinding light comes out of the mirror. When the light fades, Airi is dressed in ... um, ok, Tomoyo went to a Loli-Goth con and met some catgirls and liked the look. And then added some ribbon. It's actually sort of neat looking. Just, um, lacy and ribbony and corsetty.
Jeile says it's the Legendary Majyokko (don't ask me ... uh ... Magical Girl? sort of? Little Witch? something like that) dress and Alam forgets his trauma in going *_* at his wife.
Airi, god bless her and forgive her sins for the trauma her inlaws cause her, goes ballistic. Jeile feeds her a line of crap about how she has to wear it if she wants to learn magic and the brothers have a -- thankfully rare, all things considered -- Bonding Moment admiring Airi.
The scene cuts back to the castle. Airi collapses on the bed, and the maids try to help her undress. She whines at them to leave her alone, and they tell her that Prince Alam told them to attend her. Airi gets reluctantly up and oozes out to where Alam is, saying she's going to go talk to him. "Alaaaaaaaaaaaaam. Tell them to leave me alooooooooooooooooooone."
He says they still have to do the minimum possible (? I think this has something to do with Airi's rank -- or lack thereof; if she isn't being attended then she doesn't have any rank. QED.) and Airi sort of goes NOOOU ;____;. She's back facedown on her bed, and says she can't remember the weird spell she learned today. She tries reciting it, gets it completely wrong, and Alam recites it correctly and gets little light balls floating around his head.
"Lucky," says Airi. "You've got weird things on you. I couldn't get them to do it."
"=_= They're lightballs," says Alam. "Crap."
He sits on the edge of the bed. "You really worked hard today," he says. "... Do you really want to go home that badly?"
Airi stares at him for a second (he's obviously worried that she wants to go home without him but is trying to hide it). Then she says, "Well, yeah... Rei worries me."
Rei actually comes in -- he's back for a few minutes -- and makes her life even more miserable by informing her that in Health today they had a SEX EDUCATION VIDEO. And he HAD TROUBLE with her HISTORY ESSAY, too. Airi is sitting there going ;_____; and Alam says he's sorry to put Rei to such trouble. Rei assures him that for his sake, he'll do anything NO MATTER HOW REPULSIVE, and exits the room. Airi is still going ;____________________________;.
"It's not good," says Airi collapsing on the bed again. "He's DEFINITELY having fun over there." (Having fun value='causing complete havoc', she means.)
She half looks up from the bed. "Um... Alam?"
"Um... you know..."
She turns red.
"What?" asks Alam.
"The place I return to ... um ... it's ... Alam.... isn't it?"
Alam blushes, too.
"Alam is my ..."
"Say it to the end."
The next day at Hogwarts Magic School, the Fangirl Borg is still giving Airi evil looks and Alam is still playing baby duckling. Airi, exasperated, says Alam should go back to the castle and DO HIS OWN SCHOOLWORK. He refuses because of the evil looks.
(Yes, she seriously calls him Koalam. There's a koala hanging off her speech bubble. XDDD -- Man, if I start trying to count how many times this damn chapter tried to kill me hacking up a lung with laughter, I'd ... be counting for a long time.)
Airi, aggravated beyond endurance, grabs her husband and drags him off.
To the cleaning closet.
She admires the broom wedged on the catch for a minute -- not, mind, this is a method of working out marital discord that Dr Phil would recommend but then again I doubt we're ever going to see HIGH SCHOOL GIRL MARRIES CHILD PRINCE WITHOUT REALIZING SHE'S DOING IT! CAN THIS RELATIONSHIP BE SAVED?! NEXT TIME ON DR PHIL, either -- and goes off. "I'm so glad they have cleaning closets here too~~~♥ They really make you feel like you can study for once in your life~~~~~"
Behind her, the closet howls for her to let him out. XD
Unfortunately, the Fangirl Borg catches her and forces her into the girl's restroom. They demand to know what her relationship with Alam is (insert random fangirling here) -- and since basically the status of their marriage in Astelle is 'Alam forced the mark on her, she eventually gave in because she loves the damn idiot and the palace PR department is hoping to God she'll agree to be a concubine', she can't really think of anything to say. Eventually she settles on 'we met on the road one day'. They tell her not to get near Alam again, and she's like Ahahaha *veinpop*.
OK, before we go any further, I'd just like to make one thing clear. I AM NOT MAKING ANY OF THIS UP, I SWEAR TO GOD. I'M JUST SUMMARIZING THIS. XDDD
Airi hears something ribbit. She looks up.
One of the chief members of the Fangirl Borg says she's summoned ceiling frogs (again, don't ask me) and if she gets near Alam they'll drop on her.
Airi panics and somehow manages the spell for the Majyokko Flash -- the Fangirl Borg freaks out, and there's randomness about how it's the LEGENDARY MAJYOKKO FLASH and ONLY MEMBERS OF THE ROYAL FAMILIES CAN DO IT and ... IT'S ONLY LIGHT ... and WHAT IS SHE?
Someone steps in the room.
"An important person," says Alam, who is not only in his adult form but sort of ticked off. "MINE."
He's holding the broom, by the way. It's broken.
The Fangirl Borg is all "...Alam-ouji?" and in desperate need of a cold shower. Airi's kind of dazed-looking. He hands off the broom to one of the Fangirl Borg. Airi asks if she did something and Alam pats her head and said she did.
He pulls Airi close, looks at the Fangirl Borg and asks if there's any OTHER questions, and drags Airi off.
He stops suddenly and says he can't stand it anymore. There's a big celebration thingy for the founding of the kingdom in three days, and he's going to introduce her there, whether she likes it or not.
"I'll absolutely crush those who object to you," he says. (Hantaisha nante kyokou toppa shitayaru) Looking HAWT, although Airi's less interested in that than going O__________O;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; at him.
(One frame omake: Rei in cooking class. Rei can't cook for SHIT, not that he particularly cares. Nakaouji is going O__o;;;; Uh...Hoshina? has your personality changed...? at him. Rei's like >D I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT.)
(actually, come to think of it -- if, God forbid, we should ever do the MeruPuri LJ RPG, Alam's interests would run something like 'airi, being with airi, being seventeen, marriage, being married to airi, airi's hair, killing my brother, kissing airi, airi kissing me, being a grownup, adulthood, petting airi's hair, not being cute ...'. I shudder to imagine Jeile's.)