playing KH 358/2 before I start KH3D

Sep 30, 2012 16:04

1. Fucking camera.
2. No, seriously and for real, do the people in charge of designing the camera layouts honestly think that if the camera isn't shitty, we won't know it's a KH game?
3. Argh. ARGHHH.
4. Like you would think the Squeenix characters interacting with the fucking Disney princesses would be a clue.
5. Apparently KH3D is full of Riku's depressing crush on Sora, but KH 358/2 turns out to not only be full of Axel's feelings for Roxas, but Riku having feels everywhere too.
6. I am no closer to a coherent timeline of what Riku is doing when, especially since it turns out Roxas is also asleep for part of it. UGH I DON'T WANT TO READ NOVELS IN JAPANESE YOU GUYS.
7. Genmaicha turns out to be super tasty, except of course after multiple scenes of Roxas eating ice cream I also want some.

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