01. Spent seven hours in the ER with a resident on Monday.
02. Who is now in the process of offering me a non-zero chance of getting them ready for the funeral home to pick up!
03. Stayed over two hours Monday d/t item 1
04. Staff meeting after which I discovered Boss had failed to enter vacation hours and I had ... not enough for rent, phone, and bus fare let alone anything frivolous like food
05. (the bright spot of the week so far tbh) drinks with Amy on $3 Vodka Tuesday
06. Dealt with getting vacation pay all day long, with bonus anxiety attacks over having to talk to people about it
07. Deposited check after work which of course involved NOT falling face first on the bed but actually going to the bank and the store where incidentally I saw fucking Christmas decorations for fucking sale.
08. Losing twenty dollars in between bank and store
09. Moodily eating olives
10. Even more moodily eating nutella crepe (the crepe place at the Belmont pod opened. All their specialty crepes are named after French authors. I may have thrown up a little in my mouth)
11. Got home to discover router refused to connect Darling to the internet
12. Spent half an hour reflecting on the assinity of keeping everything on the cloud
Also it's extremely stupid how when you install Ubuntu via the Windows installer, it runs as an overlay over Windows.
In conclusion: everything is stupid and I am done with this week.
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