(no subject)

Sep 14, 2012 23:29


I joined the dark side
and started derping around Adagio Teas. Would you believe there's 20K blends on that site that people have made and none are Portland themed? HIPSTERS OF PORTLAND, YOU FAIL.

Anyway, it should be in stock now, I hope, after not showing up all yesterday, but *rubs head* I got nothing. It's showing up as in stock for me even when I'm logged out and I just cleared the cache on the browser, but Dawn says she sees it as out of stock. Noooo.

I says it as what made it, but it's pretty tasty. If you don't like flowers, uhhh this may not be the tea for you, but it was super tasty as ice tea.

Expensive hobby, though, because of course one doesn't want to post a blend that for all you know tastes like dog fur (not that I have anything against mouthfuls of dog fur being shoved in my face but you know what I mean) and be judged for it.

2. If the post office has lost the package for Becky I am going to be super, super pissed.

3. I love you guys but can we declare, I don’t know, next Thursday “Stiles has a nice afternoon” day and see how few people post fic where he’s assaulted, is a demon, develops leukemia, has weird boners for being knocked around and possibly, I know this is probably not going to happen, has nothing in his life that can summed up by Florence + The Machine lyrics.

3a. We can also have it be Derek Doesn’t Die Horribly or Act Like A Really Controlling Weird Boyfriend Day.

3b. Then Scooter realizes how much Stiles does for him and buys him a video game to apologize.

3c. We can only dream, I guess.

4. I have a 3DS! I have friend codes, if people want to add me! Send me yours! Let's be nerds! It's purple but I can't find the Bulbasaur decal I got at con! This depresses me unreasonably!

4a. I also got KH3D! I haven't started it yet but already the Riku feels are coming! I want to write more of Riku's Fucking Life, Man already. UGH. Avengers mostly, but also Teen Wolf.

4b. Despondent poking at KH fic thoughts reveals I have no idea what sort OF interaction Riku and Loki would have - I mean, obviously they would hate each other, but not as much as Riku would hate Thor - but I kind of want to have the Tweenwolf fic be like, I don’t know, Chris Argent going “who the fuck is that kid in the woods”. Mickey may be involved, because I have this weird love for people looking at him and their eyes saying “that is a giant mouse in a hooded leather trench coat” and their brain going “…. …. *SANITY FIELD ACTIVATED* …. wow! that man is really short!”

I don’t know, Loki seems like a good candidate because of falling for who knows how long into the daaaaaaark, but we’ll see.

This entry was originally posted at http://lazulisong.dreamwidth.org/205422.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

tea, kingdom hearts, riku's fucking life man, teen wolf

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