TITLE: Circle Yes or No (the Doctor, Doctor, Just Give Me the News Remix)
SERIES: Star Trek XI
RATING: PG ish, only there's Winona in.
I'm really sorry for this.
Also this is probably the only time you will ever see me writing Jim/Bones even in a gen sort of way so uhhh enjoy it? I really feel like Bones Knows Where That Has Been and he doesn't want it Anywhere Near Him, also that he understand that there are people that Jim is charming to and flirts with etc, and people with whom he has long term relationships with, and he'd rather have him around for a long time. It's not even a settling thing! It's just that he'd rather be Jim's friend instead of someone he fucks.
Granted, Jim would tap that like the fury of a thousand thousand woodpeckers, but he's pretty cool with having Bones as his BFF4Lyef.
Anyway, you should probably go and read the original by Brighteyed Jill, it is a lot better than this. ._.
I got a bad case of lovin' you )
Also it turns out I was right and a lot of people apparently just skimmed over it until they got the author notices. I ... don't know how I feel about this, but I think mostly flattered?
This is sort of for Daunt, she posted about having a bad day when I was trying to decide which fic I should remix (the original author does mostly ... mirrorverse stuff? so I was stuck for a while, because yeah) and so I thought, I'll write Jim/Bones, and maybe it will cheer her up that some random person was thinking about her. So hi! Not creepy at all, I hope!
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