Pinboard tags 28-04-2012

Apr 28, 2012 05:00

  • Carrying Dangerous Goods, by novembersmith | Generation Kill-Temeraire
    “Ray,” Bravo grumbles, twitching her tail, and Ray leaves off singing about the perfidy of sailors and the numerous diseases they pick up in every port of call, craning his head to look up at her. It is very dark now, the sun long set, but there is a full moon and he can see the ivory glint of her teeth and the narrowed slits of her eyes. “Yes, buttercup? Is something wrong?” “Only that I am trying to sleep,” she says pointedly, rearranging herself and flapping her wings with a decidedly irritated air. “And you will not stop singing about dickrot, which sounds very unpleasant and is not restful at all.”
    (tags: genkill fic crossover temeraire via:brownbetty )
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