arrrgh guys

Apr 23, 2012 19:03


Dear 39 people who have read my Remix so far (and don’t think I’m not sure if I’m flattered or terrified at that low count):

Couldn’t ONE of you have messaged me about the mid sentence breakoff in the middle of the fic?




(weirdly, my ratio of hits to kudos is just about the same as my other fics that people are presumably thinking 'oh thank jesus, even if she turns him into a cat, at least she can write a coherent sentence in English' and clicking on. Just ... not as many.)

Dawn points out that if I had only had her grammar check it or at least felt up to looking at it before it went live this entire embarrassing debacle could have been avoided, but me and embarrassing debacles are like, BFF4lyfe.


Also, tonight we literally had to get up and go to the actual theatre at Lloyd Center because, despite being in some sort of sinister corporate relationship with Regal Cinemas, will not accept Regal gift cards. Like, the actual Regal Cinemas site will punt you over to the Fandango site when you tell it you have a gift card you would like to use, and then the Fandango site is like, Fuck you, this isn't real money!

But we have our tickets for the midnight showing of Avengers! Dawn and Rene got tickets for the Portland preview but it's tragically on a Wednesday and it's doubtful they'd be home before midnight, and as much as I love the Avengers and all, there is a limit. I mean, technically I could call out at work, but technically I could also be roasted in effigy the next day and shanked on Sunday by furious coworkers. Oh well, I'm not sure how much I would enjoy it anyway, being up that late in a crowd.


Is someone talking about Grad Vulcan or Feelings Are Boring again? I seem to be getting more kudos and comments than usual on them. Like, people I have vague memories of seeing around K/S fandom? I'd google myself but fucking tumblr makes Googling yourself irritating inefficient, since of course one hits all the refs too.

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orz, fandumb, fail

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