Mer is here! She and Dawn are actually spending more time together than Mer and I are, largely because I have a Job Outside the Home and all. Which sucks, but I am required to be a bedtime nazi or kill everything in sight.
We are watching -- well, just finished watching for the night, there's still an ep left to go -- Generation Kill in a giant ass blanket fort Mer and Dawn constructed this afternoon, with Renee's help. It is like a god damn Bedouin tent up in here, dudes. I feel like an extra in a fail movie about sheiks.
I walked in after work today (epic fail, thanks for asking) and said, "Why is there a blanket fort?"
"Why not?" said Mer.
"We thought your reaction would be funnier than this."
I thought it was like Blanket Fort Day on LSG or something, but no, apparently Dawn and Mer were just that bored today.
It's pretty awesome though, can't lie.
Hiking last week was great, this week we're going up toward Pittock Mansion -- Mer may or may not come with us, it depends on how lazy she feels. Mom'll be in around one or two and she's sort of planning to be all HI MOTHER IN LAW at her if she's here. Dawn and Mer wanted to know what Mom would think of the pillow fort. "She'll walk in and say, 'What's that?' and you'll say 'It's a pillow fort' and she'll say 'OMG AWESOME.'" "You are ALL disappointing." "Sorry, bro."
Anyway, GenKill, that is some gayass shit in there. Like, I was reading some stuff before because Mer is into it and there is soulbonded wolves, and you know me, but dang. (Mer: CATNIP. Meg: Shame is for sane people.) I really like Ray - surprise! - but dang, Brad and Nate, you guys are actually married and your kids are a bunch of crazy, foul-mouthed Marines with the shakes from too much Ripped Fuel.
(I feel a little bad about shipping this since the series is based on a nonfiction book, but uhhh two degrees from the real people, I was okay with JE, so to hell with it. Sirs! If the Googles ends up here and you are like, What the actual fucking fuck, please be assured that I am shipping fictional characters that share your names. And possibly your faces. And uh ... well, anyway, I apologize but I'm not actually sorry enough to stop.)
Today I drank like three cups of coffee and two cans of Pepsi, which should be like a red flag to anybody who knows me. By the time I left work I had reached the I SEE JESUS stage of the caffeine high. It was kind of awesome. Unlike the rest of the week, because last week they canned Fail Activities, which was great but we're running pretty short right now to begin with, and not having Activities Staff means one of the caregivers is in there amusing them and keeping it from becoming Sparta, which means that caregiver is thinking awful thoughts about all the work she's not getting done and the other caregivers are thinking awful thoughts about being so super short handed. And then we all run around and I get Defcon Einstien hair, and we all hate everything, everywhere. Also also the residents are like GASP. THEY ARE STRESSED OUT. THERE MUST BE SOMETHING TO PANIC OVER?? Which, yeah. Not so good.
Tuesday was payday, which I was really looking forward to because we were going to go to the Good Food Here pod on Belmont. Except then US Bank in their infinite stupidity decided the charge I made on the Trimet ticket machine = fraudulent charge. I discovered this when I tried to buy groceries, mind you. This is actually the second time they've pulled this one on me, and I can't fucking figure out why the hell they let the Trimet charge go through if it sets off their fraud alert system.
I got home, scrubbed the despair off my soul, and we went to the bank, where I arranged to get a new card (I could have tried talking it out with a banker, but by that point I just wanted to go jump into traffic), got money out, and went to the food carts with Mer and Dawn, where the fried chicken I got turned out to be inedibly hot by my standards. Mer offered to take it back for me, but by that point I was at the :| stage about everything so I just picked out the chicken part from the breading and ate it sullenly. There was a lot of sullenness.
Yesterday we went to eat with Jaki at Dick's Kitchen. Dawn and I were excite because they had Dork! That is their duck and pork burger. It was delicious and I loved it. And now I'm going to bed.
But I'm not actually dead, just so you guys know.
Mer: If you could apply that kind of word count to fic, you'd be in business.
Meg: Shhh.
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