oh for the love of --

Mar 23, 2012 00:05

Future Pub Triva Team Names:
Graduate Vulcan for Fun and Profit (<-- if at Star Trek theme again, to see if someone buys Meg a drink)
All I Know About Star Trek I Learned From Fanfic
We're Here To Drink Beer and Lose at Trivia Night and We've Finished All the Beer (may use next time at Geek Trivia)

Went to Star Trek Trivia Night at Thirsty Lion Pub. VERY MUCH FUN YES. Dawn and I joined up with two random people and we placed like eight of fifteen, which was pretty amazing because we usually are like the last proposed team name on the list above. The dudes from Trek in the Park were there to read the questions. It was super fun times!

So in my continuing quest to give myself an aneurysm by the age of 35 (it's going great, thanks!) I found a fic that was supposed to be Erik/Charles and apparently had to do with asexuality. A skim through the first paragraph or so seemed decent, so I downloaded it onto Canary.

Charles and Erik meet cute at a coffee shop and spend like three hours talking to each other and then Erik is like CAN I SEE YOU AGAIN and Charles is like, That would be lovely! But I'm ace!

Just. BOOM. "I'm not really interested in fucking people! Let me tell you all about it in horrifying detail, person I don't know from Adam!"

Then he got Erik's email and sent him links (Links helpfully included in the text, Meg less helpfully had cashed out at the bar and only had half her Newcastle Brown left) and they have this seriously oversharing email conversation about what Charles is into as an ace person. I just. I was just sitting there thinking, "Isn't this a third date discussion?" I've seen some pretty awful Issue Fic about asexuality but this one really won the banana. Like, even if I was not a mumble year and counting celibate person, I would never in a million years dream of having this discussion after just having met someone. (Unless we'd met at a, I don't know, a mixer for ace people or something and the entire room was having a discussion about this sort of thing.) It wouldn't even occur to me that I should do this. If someone tried to have this discussion with me after one date, even over email, I would be like WELP. and never talk to them again.

To make it worse it was like, Erik just wanted to know if he could see Charles again (I should mention it was a random non-powered modern AU, just to make it even more of a PSA that she was half-assedly basing on a popular fandom) and Charles was like, OVERSHARE TIME.

That was what really irritated me, besides the assumption that anybody in their right mind would overshare to that magnitude. It was like a sex ed film. The entire idea was to Share this Important Message about Asexuality. Well, that's beautiful and all, but Sharing Important Messages and writing fiction are not, I am sure you will all be surprised and shocked to hear, the same thing at all. I guess I get irritated by it easily, but fiction -- any fiction, let alone fanfiction for Christ's sake -- is not a sugar coating to dip around the pill of your Important Message. This is a story, not a sermon.


This entry was originally posted at http://lazulisong.dreamwidth.org/169010.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

really? really??, fandumb, wtf, fun times

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