“Lestrade gave me the tickets because he hates spy movies,” says John, which is really more observant than Sherlock was expecting. “Also, he’s not my type.”
Sherlock snorts.
“Bit married for my taste,” says John.
“His wife is cheating on him again,” says Sherlock.
“Oh God,” says John, “please, just. Just tell me you haven’t told him this.”
“I don’t need to,” says Sherlock. “He knows already but he doesn’t want to admit it. You can tell by the way he fidgets with his wedding ring.”
“This,” says John, “this, right here, is why I can’t take you anywhere nice.”
Seven questions from Becky!
1) You're on several different social network outlets--which one is your favorite and what do you get out of it more than any other?
Well I don't really join any unless I'm getting something out of it, lol. IDK, I love them all ~*~seperately~*~ but LJ/DW is probably my favorite. Twitter's nice because I am of course a horribly nosy person, and Tumblr I like because of all the pictures.
I really don't know! I use them all for different reasons. Well, maybe AO3 is my favorite right now since it provides me with epub files. My good darling.
2) What would be the most important advice you would give to sweet, darling newly born babies in fandom to keep them from having their heads popped off like so many dandelions? Either as writers or simply participants in fandom.
Two things for writers, I think.
1. Dude, it's okay, just chill out and use the spell checker! Get a beta. Know the source material. But chill out, bro, you are doing this for fun. If it's not fun, take a step back and try something else.
For just new people in fandom ... It's a hobby, bro, you gotta enjoy it or it's pretty pointless. If you get bored, leave. Nobody is going to care.
3) What's one of your favorite physical comforts--something you do or have when you're having a crap day?
I like to walk around when I'm really upset. Headphones on, cheerful music. (Arashi is still shockingly useful for this.) Go to a bookstore. Read something. It's probably a terrible coping strategy but I will pick up a book and read that shit straight through if I'm really wound up.
I really enjoy being outside, believe it or not. I like looking at flowers and trees, which we are copiously supplied with, thank God. Right now it's especially awesome because there's snow drops and pussywillows and the first buds on the trees.
4) What is the most satisfying fandom you've ever been in?
Probably CCS or DNAngel, although I have fond, fond memories of JE and tokusatsu. CCS was probably my ~*~purest~*~ fandom love. Then there was Holic, which was at least fifty percent wistfulness over CCS and twenty five percent bitterness that apparently I was able to write a Sakura Loses Her Powers AU that made more sense than the official one when I was twenty years old.
I really have fond memories of CCS and DNAngel -- probably because I was so new to fandom at the time, but mostly because I had so much fun with them. I felt like i was part of the crowd and really connected to the stories. This was probably because it was about the only positive thing I had going for me during that particular period. Oh, crushing depression and social anxiety, how much you've fucked me up. But those fandoms really helped me through it, you know? I really am grateful for them. Even if I refuse to find out if / how DNAngel actually ended because I know that Satoshi will be fucked over.
5) Describe your most perfect Sherlock fic.
Hmm! Well, it would be a case fic where John and Sherlock accidentally share a bed and Sherlock talks around the fact that John is His Most Important Person while John wonders if Sherlock even tolerates him, and possibly Sherlock puts his head on John's lap and acts like a giant cat. John should stroke his hair and love him a little, helplessly.
Lestrade should be in it, making awful faces. John should punch someone in the face. Wait, they should have Gladstone, or get him at least. (New Gladstone should be a pit bull, I think.) If Moriarty shows up, he should get dickpunched, because I hate him. Mrs Hudson should be the one to do it. She should feature heavily, and be awesome.
Mycroft should say something to John about how John is Sherlock's Most Important Person, but John should not understand until the end of the fic, where there should be restrained cuddles. If there is sex, which is by no means a neccessity, they should be pretty awkward about it because you know Sherlock's got like fifteen million extra knees and elbows.
6) What is the one show/movie/game/etc. that you will never consume, so help anyone who tries to make you?
Probably Silent Hill. Or anything involving zombies. My loathing for horror movies / games / shows cannot be adequately expressed in mere text form. Just picture me under the bed hissing in anger and fear and you pretty much have the idea.
7) If you could change just one thing about your life right now, what would it be?
*promptly* I would win the lottery, pay off my debts, drop to about 32 or 24 hours a week at my job -- or just volunteer -- and spend a lot of time writing. Wait, that's not just one thing is it. Uhhh well then I do find my job fulfilling most of the time, but I wish I had enough energy / imagination to write more. I really do miss it, but it's hard after eight hours of it to come home and write, you know? I admire people who do it, but I can't do it myself. Maybe if it weren't that combination of physical labor and mental stress?
Five days til we turn the big 33! I'm pretty excite although it's going to be pretty low key, I think. I'll probably get the new computer and we're going to O'Connors on Wednesday, our actual birthday. I took two days off, so I'm just going to lie around eating chips and trying to finish fic in between epic, epic naps. It will be awesome, I hope!
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http://lazulisong.dreamwidth.org/161372.html. Please comment there using OpenID.