we just both had incredibly shitty days is mostly it

Feb 06, 2012 19:51

Meg: do you think I would feel less like dying of rage if I had had anything to eat since a green tea frappe at four?
Meg: no, wait, it was at three
Meg: I tell a lie
Mer R: all signs point to yes
Mer R: hawkeye is pretending to be eating a human liver he just harvested in surgery
Mer R: klinger needs to take notes
Mer R: he is eating it with forceps
Mer R: this is all just to get leave in tokyo
Meg: what if the cake is a lie tho
Mer R: he's eating something, he
Mer R: he's pretending it's a north korean liver
Mer R: and now he's telling an army psychiatrist he's in love with frank burns
Meg: what from MASH?
Mer R: yep
Meg: wait, you ARE watching mash
Meg: shit
Meg: I was like lalala avengers
Mer R: *applause*
Mer R: ah yes, hawkeye
Mer R: I love all men named hawkeye
Meg: to be fair clint barton also would pretend to eat a human liver
Mer R: it goes with the nickname hawkeye
Mer R: being batshit
Meg: .... I think I'm going to go get toast before I get incepted

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