do you know how many entries I start with 'ugh'

Jan 30, 2012 17:57

I'm not allowed to play 'my day was shittier than yours' any more because

a) it usually is, if we are being literal minded
b) my job apparently exists to make people feel like maybe they can take another day of theirs after all.


Today at work we
1. Had State surveyors in for the liscence, which is a horrible cluster and makes us all want to die, but with the comforting reflection that at least mgmt is at least twice as freaked out as we are.

2. Got a dude back from the hospital, but on hospice and not 'well probably within the next six months' but 'well if he lasts six days ...'. I feel bad for his family; we have our doubts about how long his wife is going to survive him, and ugh their poor kids.

3. Got Work Cat back! That was actually awesome but I was like, Oh how is Previous Owner? since Work Cat is being adopted by a resident who liked him a lot when he was here with Previous Owner, and there was an awkward silence and it turns out Previous Owner passed away last week, poor bro. Still, Work Cat!

4. and this is the most personally exciting because it was a life goal I was hoping never to reach, one of the residents slapped me on the face. I said, "Will you put both hands on your walker please?" and she hauled back like Anna from Shaman King and laid it on me. It was like being a moneylender in the Temple.

"Ow," I said mildly, "That really hurt."

"GOOD," she said, and stamped as well as she could with a walker and a shuffling gait down the hall.

(Dementia is the BEST, guys, I wake up at least twice a week and seriously think about if I get dementia how I want to be smothered quietly in my sleep.)

It's kind of weird, I guess I'm too used to My Crazyass Job or whatever, but it didn't bother me that much beyond AND ON TOP OF EVERYTHING ELSE. I mean, had it been another resident who doesn't typically have that sort of problem, it would be one thing, but this is within the scope of known behaviors for her, so I didn't take it that personally. Not that I was really happy about it or whatever, but ... dementia. What are you going to do.

5. Had someone not call in, but just not show up, and eventually when she did answer the phone, offer many stupidly shitty excuses for it, which caused us rage unceasing.


TL;DR: Thank you Jesus for beer and pornographic fanfictions. HI INTERNET. PLEASE PET ME.

DID get Mom's thing mailed off; I was going to just buy a damn envelope because I couldn't find a box that fit without the thing rattling around like a mother, but the guy at the post office very kindly cut up a Priority Mail box for me. Which was kind of useless in a way because it will be there the day after tomorrow even if I had sent it regular mail, but still, I appreciated it. now we just have to figure out what we're going to get Stepfather, because I for one feel sheepish and a little guilty about spending $150 on Mom and then getting him a squirrel trinket, which I feel is one of the emotions that Make America Great.

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jesus fucking christ, work, rl

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