Dec 19, 2011 18:27

MOM: So you're still coming down?
MEG: Yes.
MOM: So I think I should warn you.
MOM: Your sister* is going to be there.
MOM: And all of her kids**.
MOM: And, uh, my sister***.
MOM: So if you can get the ticket refunded, that's totally fine!

*our fundie older sister, no we don't know how that happened either.
** she has five. still haven't met the youngest but the oldest posted one of those '97% of people of Facebook won't repost this blah blah blah JESUS CHRIST IS THE SAVIOR blah blah NO IDEA HOW THE WORLD OR INTERNET WORKS blah blah blah HOW AM I RELATED TO HIM blah blah blah OH GOD OH GOD OH OH GOD'. Three of them are boys under the age of twelve.
***this is the one to whom Mom accidentally let slip about some Traumatic Childhood Experience of ours and asked Mom if she thought we'd appreciate a Praying For You card. Mom, who knows us, was like OH GOD NO DON'T PLEASE DON'T and hastily confessed to us in case she really DID and we went up like a pair of firecrackers liberally infused with napalm. which. was a possibility. Anyway my actual problem is that she will be all :< Besties? at me and I will retreat under the kitchen table and growl.

I have decided to be a Grownup and go since you know, Grandmother is 92 this year! Not that many birthdays left! but reserved the right to retreat under a bed and hiss at people. Still. *rubs face* I know there are many families much crazier and traumatic than ours! But oh god. Oh god, help me. Send porn. Possibly booze. I'm considering a dubiously legal copy of Inception, if I can find one, since I have a legal copy already and everything.

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